New to this forum as I just inherited my father's 2007 Prius. The rear wiper is not oriented correctly as I see other Prius's with the rear wiper arm facing upwards and mine is horizontal. When I use the rear wiper it goes down and across the rear hatchback area. I tried to gently move the wiper arm to vertical but it would not budge. Looks like I will have to get access to where the arm is secured so I can re-orient it. This tricky?
If you pop off that little cover over the pivot point, I think you can detach it. Then just pull it off and reorient over the splines in the correct orientation....
Curious! When I bought my 2008 Prius II "T Spirit", I noticed that the rear wiper had also been orientated wrong! It was lying a perfect 90 degrees vertical. The result of that was during the wiping phase, it was dropping all the way down to the rear spoiler and hitting it with an unpleasant noise. Eventually, I changed all the wipers around for "Aero models" and having read up on here how to remove the rear wiper arm assembly (there was nothing to it), I succeeded in reseating the rear wiper so that it was properly canted over at the correct resting angle - problem solved. iPad ? HD
The problem I have with the rear wiper is that on the UK right hand drive the position of the wiper remains the same as the left hand drive cars. This leaves a large area of rear screen not cleared by the wiper. This area of the rear screen is the area most required when driving on motorways to be able to see vehicles that are just about to pull out and overtake. This does not appear to have been addressed in later models. John (Britprius)
An additional point I've gleaned from reading threads. There is a locating point in the glass at the upper left corner (viewing from the rear of the car) where the top of the wiper arm should be located when the wiper is parked. It is a small red dot.