After 56k miles on my 2010 Type II, I suddenly started hearing a constants rattle sound that seemed to be located in the dashboard directly in front of the steering wheel. I got onto Prius Chat and researched every possible resolution, but not seemed to work UNTIL.... I saw someone had jokingly suggested squirting some WD-40 between the windshield and the windshield cowl. So, having nothing to loose, I gave that a try and... the rattle is gone! I can't explain it, but all I can tell you is my car is quiet again. My thanks to whoever made that suggestion, even if in jest.
Welcome to PC Many of the older G3s are "rattlers" including mine. I'm still discovering nooks and crannies that are culprit for ticks and rattles. My best friend is a can of silicon spray with 3 wands connected by thin tubing. It targets those deep crevices like between the base of the windshield and the dashboard without making too much of a mess. Good luck as now that it's getting colder, more rattle complaints will surface here.
Toyotas rattle ... a lot. I've owned an '04 Corolla, an '07 Camry, and a '12 Prius. They all rattle. The Corolla was really bad. You just have to learn to be philosophical about it. I owned an Accord that rattled too. German cars seem pretty good about not rattling, but they don't have anything as reliable or economical as Toyota.
i have it too and its so annoying.. i didnt notice it until i changed my rims with low profile and high tire presure
Over the winter I was able to get rid of two very annoying rattles. One was very common among Prius owners coming from the area of the triangular window on the passenger side of the vehicle and synched to engine RPM's. There was a TSB for this which involved removing (breaking ) the little window, disassembling the area, replacing clips and putting in a new window. My car was at the dealer for 4 days for this fix and thank god it was done under warranty. Since the repair, the rattle has not returned. The other was a buzzing sound that came from the overhead console where the cabin lights are. I had to remove the console, take it apart, remove the plastic cap that covers the assembly for the little light that shines down on the shifter and immobilize the buzz with electrical tape. This one has not returned either. Happy to say that things are pretty quiet now.
Note that the extra long wand is 3 regular segments connected by 12 gauge wire insulation cut into little "couplings". It works great for far reaches in tight spots.
Most of the time I can find the rattle. Something in the glove box or moving my thermos coffee mug fixes the problem. Recently had a strange one. Could not find the rattle. For whatever reason, I reached up and gave the mirror a squeeze. The rattle went away and hasn't returned. Rattle free once again so far.
recently i wash car...but also pointed hose at grill under window for a few minutes...hey presto another rattle gone...perhaps some debris moving around.. now wash ed out quiet as a mouse
toyota = great powertrain, extremely cheap interior materials that's a fact coming from an experienced toyota owner of various models.