Sorry if this has already been asked, newbie here. I tried a search but no hits. In the Consumption screen, do you hit the 'reset' button on every fill up? -tman
On the 2004 and 2005, no. Both the average MPG and the miles will reset after you drive 100 - 200 yards after putting more than about 3 gallons in the tank. On the 2006, it appears that the average MPG does not reset on its own. So if you want the average MPG for the new tank of gasoline, you need to press the reset button on the screen. There is nothing in the manual about this. You might want to verify if this is true with your car (it is on mine and a friend's - we both have 2006 models built in 11/05). If it does not reset, the average MPG stays very steady. If it does reset, it will change rapidly up and down for the first few miles on the tank. For example, starting the car the next morning cold with even 60 miles on the tank, the mileage might drop .5 mpg or more while the car warms up if the Average MPG -did- reset. If it does not reset, it might drop .1 mpg or not at all. - Tom
The 2006 manual says that it will reset if you add more than 3 gallons to the tank, but my experience has been the same as others with 2006's -- it doesn't reset on its own. To be really specific, I've filled up twice so far, each time with more than 7 gallons. Each time, I've turned the power on and shifted into "D", and the mileage has not reset. I suppose it's possible that it would reset once the car is in motion, but so far I've always hit the reset button before driving off.
OK, you need to put over 3 gallons and start driving for about 1 mile at least. That's how it is on '05
Neither has mine. I would be very irritated if it did as I normally press the reset at the start of a trip and losing the MPG for the previous section of the trip would suck.
The more tanks you accumilate, the more the average is of little use other than a cool novel thing to show people....... you could have a whole good summer of good gas mileage and it would barely affect the lifetime average......and basically would become a number you could not change any more no matter how good or bad you drove. I would kinda like to have both but if I could only have one or the other.. the average "per tank" is much more valuable info to me that lets me know if I"m doing better or worse as I learn to drive the prius.
I've gone thru 4 tanks now in my 06' and it will not automatically reset the average mpg. My friends got an 04' and it does so it seems 100% now that on the 06's it has to be manually reset.
I am on my 4th tank in my new '06, and the MFD consumption screen has NOT reset on it's own after a fillup. since I like to see the miles driven on the consumption screen to reflect "per tank", waiting 3 miles to see if it resets on it's own seems ludicrous. I reset it immediately with every new tank to see if I'm being consistent, and then plug the miles and amount of fuel added into the green hybrid site to track my lifetime mileage. I use the A/B trip Odometer if I need to track miles or trips for expense purposes.
I am much more interested in my per trip (commute) mpg than my per tank mpg. This is especially true given that the tank has a variable capacity. I don't really get peoples tank consumption obsession but if they're happy, I'm happy.
The 06 will automatically reset, but you have to start driving first. Mine resets after maybe quarter of a mile.
Ok, we need the one from the new 2006 IS - Average FE and Tank FE. The IS has both when I scrolled through its trip computer functions.
There must be different 06's out there then because mine and others does not so one cannot say that all 06's reset. Hard to believe Toyota would make it act differently in different cars sold but so many say that their car does/does not reset after a few miles... :blink: Definitely, if the IS does have a lifetime avg and a tank avg available for viewing that would have been nice.
There are two possible resets. (1) Reset the ODO and (2) Reset the MPG. Perhaps we are confusing the two in some of these posts.
Mine resets after about a 1/4 mile.... would like to have both...but if had to choose woould pick the way it is.
I filled up tonight and watched what reset. The odo reset after driving a short distance, but the avg mpg did not. I then hit the reset to reset the mph. Maybe the odo automatically resets but the mpg does not.