Yes - it was the "bear roar" that got everyone going... and still does. Tried it once on the ex. The result was something worthy of Funniest Home Videos... if someone is under the influence and you startle or scare them with the bear roar, it can take three minutes before a brain marinated in beer actually processes the result that it has been scared or startled. I watched him walk by me without a reaction, he turned a corner, and then his brain finally processed it and he jumped a mile. I probably have guest seating in Hell after that one... My oldest got into a pattern of not cleaning his room and he lived to regret it when I was waiting at the foot of his bed under a pile of clothes and when he reached down to grab his covers I grabbed his ankle. He put it in reverse so quickly he almost went through the wall and ended up in the next room. He got a lot neater after that - lesson learned. Moved up to premier seating in Hell with that one. He was the best at scaring me after that....and would get my youngest involved because the scream I usually let fly when I am startled carries a long way. I figure jump-starting my heart a couple times a week is actually strengthening it.... On the flip side, I startle way too easily in general and coworkers have startled or scared me when I was involved in a project where I did not hear them and when they spoke I have jumped a mile and screamed, in the process, startling them. A former co-worker with a warped sense of humor like mine said she loved coming up behind me and startling me as the sight and scream was "priceless." Love. This. Thread.
That's a good one. And deserved, if his room was that messy....well, from a parent's point of view.... Once I scared my little brother so much that we still talk about it, decades later. I was napping on the couch when he came home. Half awake, I realised he'd forgotten his key, and instead of going down to let him in, I snuck quietly out the back door, down the stairs, and peeked around the corner. There he was, just sitting there all dejected, so of course I jumped out with my arms high, making the biggest bear noise I could. He squealed and jumped about three feet, sending his backpack flying. I've never seen such a look of terror. He even had to change his pants. Apparently, I was born with this. As a little kid, I used to come home from playing outside and knock on the front door. When my Mom answered, I said "Look Mommy Nake!" and tossed in the garter snake I'd carried home. Evil child. If there is premier seating in hell, I'll be right there with you. My Mom will be one of the head torturers, I'm sure.
Love this one. I wonder how many people actually get "Who was that masked man" (Ok, I'm mixing characters here, but I didn't want to give a spoiler)
this is one funny channel BFvsGF's channel - YouTube and now they are Gf and Bf not sister and brother!