the dealer told me last friday that my red #3 prius is arriving in 10 days. He's got the vin number so he can sell it to me. I went ahead with the paperworks, put a money down and setup the financing with my bank. Everything was set up already. Now all i need is the car. Once they get the vin number how long does it take them to actually get the car?? They said sometimes it arrives earlier...i'm just so anxious to get it especially since the car is basically sold to me already. Its been 5 days since i signed the paperwork...still waiting...
The dealer receives notices when vehicles are on their way to the dealer. Depending on the origin (Japan, in case of Prius), it would take about 2-3 weeks for crossing Pacific Ocean. It also depends on how long it stays at the port (for some accessory installation - if any). Anyway, it seems like that Prius is YOURS. It is not going to others. Be patient. Hope you get it soon.
I *think* the VIN is not assigned until it reaches port so delivery time would depend on how far your dealer is from the port of entry.
Congratulations on your new VIN number. Now you just need that metal thing with wheels that goes around the number
heh heh ... as funny as this is I would still be happy if I had at least been sold a vin by now (5 days short of 4 months wait so far). Congratulations on your soon to be Prius
Dealership called today and they said the metal thing with wheels that goes around the vin is finally there and ready for pickup. One week after buying the vin it finally arrives. Its a happy friday.
Congratulations! Maybe this is a good sign since my dealer called Jan 26th and said they have one that is on the way for me. I've set up financing with the credit union and am now just waiting for the dealer to call again. Andy
I guess I would be a lot less willing to let the dealer "sell it to me" and go ahead with the paperwork untill I really saw the car setting on the lot. Down payment or deposit is fine but just think, if you have signed all the papers you are the owner . The bank has paid the dealer. The title change has probably been registered. And now during delivery the car gets dropped off the boat or the truck or in some other way damaged. Ooops! :wacko:
I can see your point. I made the same decision, to buy a VIN number while the other parts of the car were still on a slow boat from Japan. I bought 17 alphanumeric characters for about $26,000, so that's about $1,525 each. And Vanna White thinks she's all that. In the end, I balanced the relatively small chance of a damaged car being delivered to the dealer or the dealer not accepting responsibiliy for dealing with any damage caused there with the alternative continuing to shop for 8-12 weeks, even then possibly not getting my first choice of color, possibly slipping past the potential 50,000 California HOV sticker cutoff, and decided that it was worth doing. In California, no car can be registered without an odometer statement. If you did not sign the statement, leaving it until you could actually read the odometer, the car could not be registered to you. Other places probably have a similar step - one or more required forms that it would not be reasonable to sign without actually seeing the car. You might be exaggerating my risk a bit. If the car falls off the ship, or a truck, or gets smashed at the dock, they aren't going to deliver it to the dealer. The dealer, by not being able to give me this specific car, will be in material breech of our contract. Thus, they will find a way to get me a car or my money back. This transaction took place In California using standard forms which comply with California law - this is not legal advice.