I was watching a video on spark plugs replacement on Prius 2010 third generation, I would assume it will be applicable to Prius V as well. I know it is too early to worry about it yet, but it looks like it is going to be a major job :-/ Does anybody know what kind of spark plug they use on Prius is it Iridium?
doesn't look too bad. just a lot of removal. great video though, one of the most thorough tutorial vids i've ever seen. i'd probably change to iridium if they weren't, that way the next change would be extended.
I was having a second look at that video and looking at our engine I don't think it is necessary to remove wiper assembly and anything related to it at all. By using those bendable sockets it should be possible to unscrew the park plugs without wiper removal. Or Flexible Bar Socket Extension like this: 4 PC Flexible Bar Socket Extension Flex Ratchet Auto Tools 3 8" 1 4" Long Short | eBay
^ With the 3rd gen Prius unfortunately you do have to tear the car half apart to get at the spark plugs. Possibly the V is the same (equal opportunity lol). I looked at ours: it looks like it's going to be easy, a fist width of room above the valve cover, plenty of room for a socket wrench to remove the actuator hold-down bolt. Then start pulling up on the actuator, and there's a rigid metal sleeve inside, solidly connected at the underside the actuator. You can lift it about 2 inches and bump: it hits the lower windshield cowl, with an indeterminate amount of rigid sleeve still in the spark plug well. If it was flexible rubber, or the cowl was a couple of inches higher... Lousy design... (BTW, thanks to NutzaboutBolts for the video)
Excellent video, thanks! Nothing looks hard about it, just 1/2 hour of pretty simple procedures. Denso website for Iridium plugs recommends 30,000 mile replacement.
Hmm, figured out how to make a blank posting, anyway. Something buggy with the editor: I tried to put some in quotes, and it deleted the whole thing, leaving just the quote code... Like this:
Anyway, was going to say: US spec's 120,000 miles or 12 years. And there's this comment: Toyota Canada says 192,000 km (no time spec), a direct conversion of the US. I wouldn't wait that long though, would at least pull them out and have a look, much sooner.
While not directly related to a Prius, I waited 230,000 km on my 2006 Corolla which uses the same type or sparkplugs. To be honest, I did not see any change at all pre/post replacement, but I thought I better do them at least once!