im just wondering how many of the C owners on the street in NYC are here on the forums. Would love to have a meet up some day and have a look at each others cars and what not.
non highway; meaning all street/city driving i always get 50+ easily i only took the C on the highway once so far. about 15 miles one way with one passenger and Temps in the high 60s and i got like 55-60mpg. windows up and AC was also off.
I do about 50% city 50% highway during my commute. I've been averaging 50+ MPG. I'm a new C owner. Yesterday made two weeks. I'm still learning the best way to drive it, and trying to forget my lead foot tendencies
I commute to manhattan 5 days a week. Now with the warmer weather I am averaging 49-51 mpg solid. That's combined city highway miles. Love it!