Japan To Build World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Near Fukushima | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
This can only be a good thing for the area although I strongly suspect its more a political move than anything. there is a concern I have over lingering radiation levels and long term effects. Unlike the US, In Japan land is in very short supply. Large portions of Japan are mountainous, geologically unstable, and remote so the option of extensive solar/wind onshore is very limited. Advances in floating wind turbines makes off shore wind a much more viable option in areas where the water depth made it prohibitively expensive before.
Also, from a link in the article, a cool looking wind turbine: http://m.inhabitat.com/inhabitat/#!/entry/philippe-starck-unveils-two-revolutionair-wind-turbines,509c2ca9d7fc7b5670507cc3
Maryland is also moving towards building an 80,000 acre, 10,000 megawatt wind farm off its Atlantic coast. First step being 200 MW in 4-7 years: Governor Martin O’Malley (D) testified, “Wind is one of Maryland’s two most abundant natural resources. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates we could be generating 10,000 megawatts off the coast of our state alone. That’s enough energy to power every home in Maryland. This bill would get the ball rolling with 200 megawatts.” Maryland Approves Development of Offshore Wind Energy | Ecology Global Network FWIW, Current electricity generation in Maryland is: Coal ................. 55% Nuclear ........... 34% (Single nuclear plant) Renewables ...... 6% Natural Gas ...... 4% Petroleum ......... 1% As to wind being 'The Old Line" State's second most abundant natural resource, the Governor might also be referring tongue-in cheek to going's on in Annapolis, the state capitol. The most abundant? BS perhaps. ;-) Also: Maryland moves one step closer to 200MW offshore wind farm : TreeHugger