Greetings, I've read the posts on changing the cabin filter on a Prius C -very helpful. Does anyone know how to replace the car's air filter? Is it a lot of work? Do you need certain tools? This is different than the cabin filter. If anyone has experience with this, please share!
Changing the air filter in the Prius C is very easy and you don't need any special tools. It's the black box in the front of the engine. It's the one whose top is held on by metal clips. You shouldn't need to change that filter very often. Toyota calls for that to get changed at 30,000 miles or 36 months. Unless you drive in very dusty conditions, that's about right. I wouldn't change it any sooner than necessary.
I did it myself a few weeks ago. Getting the glove compartment clips out was a pain because I was afraid I was going to break it, but it was easy overall and would suggest doing it yourself. The following video does a pretty good explanation: