Has anyone replaced their front power outlet? I need help getting it out. Does it come out from the front or rear -- unscrew or what? Also, do I have to get a new outlet from Toyota or is there an aftermarket one that will work?
No takers with either of your posts, so I guess no one has had to make that replacement. I find it hard to believe that the actual socket could be bad, as the fuse should protect it from the kind of currents that would melt plastic or otherwise damage it. That said, the socket has two parts. The part that holds the hinged cover snaps into the mounting surface from the front. The actual socket portion snaps into that piece from the front also. Or so it appears from the GIF attached.
Double check the fuse? There are two fuses because there are two outlets, each outlet has a different fuse of course. You might want to look at both fuses? The fuse box is under the driver's side compartment. I had the 12v fuse blow on mine after putting in one of those three in one 12v adapters and powering three separate devices. I bought a new three in one adapter and had no problems after that...
Thanks for your reply. I am new to this forum and I appreciate your attachment too. I saw on another thread that the back of the socket has a fine wire that will work like a fuse to protect the wiring to the fuse. I check both 15 amp fuses and the 25 amp fuse and they are good. I also have power to the connectors to the outlet. I can't get anything to work in the outlet and no power there when I use my 12-volt tester. I have tried to pry the outlet out from the front but didn't want to damage the dash or the connectord. I can't get it to move. I will try harder.
Thanks for your reply and suggestion. I did check both 15 amp fuses and they were okay. I have power to the connector to the outlet but no power to the inside of the outlet. I can't get anything to work in this outlet. The other outlet works fine.
Well, I still have not been able to remove the outlet. It appears that it has to come out from the front. However, with a mirror and looking at it from the back of the dash, it appears that there are two tabs that are preventing it from coming out. Any ideas on taking this outlet out?
I would expect that you will have to find a way to press those two tabs inwards to get it to release. Some sort of pliers or clamp, perhaps.
I can't get any tools in the small space behind the outlet. I can get my hand in there but can't get enough pressure to work it out. I may have to call a Toyota dealership to see if they might be of any help.