As much as I hate to say it, I had to sell "The Rollerskate" over the weekend. It was a great little car for what I bought it for, but a Prius just wasn't my style. All my life I've owned fast cars, 6 Mustangs, 3 Vette's, and a Jag. But my commute is horrid, 65 miles in rush hour traffic each day, so a P-C2 just seemed to make sense at the time. Well, now it's summer here, and I just couldn't go not-topless any more, so I got me a new drop-top. Please don't shame me too bad.... It gets 30mpg hwy when I'm nice to it.
Well, I just bought my Prius, and I'm loving it...BUT... I can't shame you for anything....that vehicle is absolutely beautiful. I can't explain why my "Mid-Life" crisis seems to have taken the form of wanting and buying one of the most "sensible" vehicles possible. - I wonder about myself sometimes. As much as I do like Prius, and am enjoying my Prius, I can definitely look at your new ride, and wish I could afford 2 new vehicles. Also, to me a "Red" color has to be special for me to like it. There are a LOT of shades of red that I don't like....but that color is great. Really like that color.
Nice Vette. It was my dream car when I was a kid. I still hope to own one when I have more disposable income. You realize with increased costs of gas, insurance, and maintenance, you could've kept the PC for commute and the convertible as a pleasure vehicle for the weekend? I'm assuming $100 more for gas, $100 more for insurance and $100 more for maintenance versus a monthly payment of $300 for a PC.
Payment went down - I had the PC2 all but paid for already, but I'll have this paid for in 6-ish months. Insurance is only $9/mo higher, $50 every 6 months. I have a great State Farm agent, everything I have is through them so I get very good rates. But yes, gas will likely double, so you're probably right on the money there @$100 more a mo. I also have a great traffic attorney on speed-dial. $300 and she can get you out of any ticket. So also have to add at least $300/mo for tickets....
Nice ragtop!! I've always felt that if the folks in Aichi would un-tuck and build a proper roaster around the HSD powertrain then they would be able to tap into a whole new market. There actually ARE people out there that enjoy driving and view the automobile as something more than just a transportation appliance. Hate you? Hell no. I love the fact that we live in a country where one can (still) buy a $75,000, RWD, 400+ BHP, 2-seat automobile if they want to. The fact that the highway mileage is 30MPG is just icing on the cake. You're probably going to take some HEAT rounds....but not from me. Enjoy the ride. Otherwise, what's the point in taking the trip?
Hahah, I didn't think about that one. I remember I got a ticket the first month I got my Integra. Then a few years later I got a ticket the first time I borrowed my sister's WRX. I finally escaped the ticket entry fee with my previous car and my current PiP. I'll be sure to allocate this fee when it comes time for my midlife crisis. Speed is so intoxicating.
Nice car! You're getting better MPG than my '97 Prizm so I can't say anything bad about your choice. YMMV (it does vary between my two cars).
Why not the prius C2 for commute., the Vette for weekend duty? I've always had week duty cars, as many as at a time and 2 weekenders depending on the track,, plus a truck, and my econ cars were great and my Vettes, Mustangs, Porsches, CRX, and 350's were absolute fior track times or any other weekend duty. Using a Vette for commuting in rush hour traffic is a cardinal sin - and torture. My sympathies ! PS I get 30 mpg with my Vette only downhill in no traffic with a 40 mph tailwind and in neutral.
Convertibles were great to drive until all those jerks on Harleys decided to make huge amounts of noise on the interstate highways and all surface streets. Go buy some ear plugs. By the way, what good is a 500+ hp vehicle in stop and go traffic?
Noisy Harley owners have no concern for anyone else. If that noise is music, pump it it your own ears via headphones.
NICE! Before I bought the C, I drove my '90 Reatta Convertible as a daily driver. Now its back to 'Top-Down to Tioga-Downs" on Sundays.
From a former Corvette owner, congratulations on your beautiful Corvette. Not to be negative, just a question and observation. Did you consider waiting for the 2014 Generation 7 model? Nothing like being one of the first with a hot, new model. Convertibles are "way fun". I previously had a Mercedes SLK 55. After experiencing a retractable hard top, it's the only way to go "verting". Owning and driving a Prius is not for everyone. Several years ago, I wouldn't have considered one. What changed? Apparently, I did. I no longer need a higher dollar, performance car or two. I purchased my 2012 Prius Plug In without any expectations other than better than average fuel mileage. After almost four months, I love the appearance, the technology, the neat & cool factor, great gas mileage, and the ability to drive 100% EV mode to work and home with charging on both ends. Everything is subject to change.
Nice wheels and you can have the top down 3 or 4 times a week in the summer without getting wet in the great PNW. You will be back come fall after the next gas hike RAL
This was a pretty broad brush. I suppose there are some that avoid residential neighborhoods that may have infants sleeping, or late at night when lots of people may be sleeping. I am also sure there are some that choose mufflers to try to lessen the noise. To those, I thank you.