Ever since we got the 2012 (Canadian) Prius C, we've been collecting fuel efficiency data at every fuel re-fill. I've blogged the data (with chart) here: Jayan Kandathil - 2012 Toyota Prius C Hybrid Actual Fuel Efficiency Data Check it out if you are interested in actual, real-world, measured fuel efficiency (not what the car tells you). I will be keeping it updated. - Jayan
Two comments: You sure can tell when winter is over and spring arrives! You may wish to try Fuelly.com. it makes graphs and banners for you.
It does that as well, but if you click on the fuelly link in my signature, you just see the details on my car. (near the bottom, you can click to see similar cars)
I love my Fuelly account. Keeps most all the stats i want to know. You should definitely use that also.
What do you mean by that? Fuelly shows you individual stats (for your vehicle, limited stats for others' specific vehicles), overall stats for each model year, and it differentiates between the liftback, PIP, c and v. It doesn't differentiate between trim levels (1-4), but it does let you choose engine types and body styles.
I last checked it out about 6 months ago. At that time, I could not retrieve Prius C 2012 stats exclusively - at least it wasn't obvious how to do it.
Ah, ok. I've only used it for about two months, so it might've changed since then, or they might not have added the new models at that point.
If you scroll to the bottom of any individual vehicle's page you'll see: Browse Similar Cars Toyota · Prius C · 2012 Click on the year and you'll get a table of stats for that specific model year. That gives you: 2012 Toyota Prius C MPG Reports | Fuelly 2013 Toyota Prius C MPG Reports | Fuelly Or Combined: Toyota Prius C MPG Reports | Fuelly
My mother-in-law has been pretty good about tracking her stats at Fuelly.com ... except the other day she called me in to ask why Fuelly said she had logged several hundred miles more than her odometer read. Looked it over and finally saw the stat for her third-most-recent fill-up - it read: 150 MPG! Told her she must have input the wrong odo reading when she entered that fill-up. Anyone know if there is a way she can edit that out?
Yup! Go to the "log book" section of the vehicle stats page while logged in (http://www.fuelly.com/driver/<username>/<car name>), click the pencil icon along the left-hand side.
Thank you so much, Minkus! She will soon be departing on a cross-country journey (yeegads, an 80-year-old woman alone with her C on the road for 11 days!) so I want to make sure her stats are all good before she leaves.
Nice - hope she has fun, and you're welcome! She can also text the fuel-up, if she doesn't have a smartphone or is in a place with spotty service: FAQ: How do I add a fuel-up via SMS? | Fuelly
I figure for her trip she will note her mileage, gallons, cost, etc. in the notebook she used to carry for her Rav4. When she gets home from her trip, I will add all the data to her Fuelly account for her. I don't think she could manage anything as "high tech" as texting her info to Fuelly.