Just thought I would share pictures of a nice spot I found for the iphone. I use it as a navigator so this is ideal for me and it's also a good spot to charge it without cable clutter. The car mount is the Iottie easy flex 2. I use it without using the suction area because it fits nicely wedged between the steering wheel and the trim. To use it like this it's best to pull the steering wheel out all the way so that it doesn't hit the mount when turning. For me it's how I drive anyway so no problem. You can use the suction mount but it would be difficult to remove. When it's wedged in like this it does not move at all and is very secure. It took me a while to find a mount to use the phone like this but I think I finally found the best one out there. The phone is also very easy to remove from the mount which is another plus.
Nice idea. Mine is mounted in the triangle side window. Bugs me the bluetooth in the car doesn't work with Siri or even the maps app turn by turn directions. Just got the car a couple weeks ago and that has been a big disappointment. Might just go back to using my bluetooth visor clip on. FYI, if you hate the brightness of maps app at night, you can go into the accessibility setting and turn the triple click home button to invert colors. Nice trip until apple gets their crap together and adds a night mode.
That's weird. I had Google Maps, Siri, music and phone calls all working through the Bluetooth pairing this weekend to my iPhone 4S. The only real problem I've had is if I get into the car with my Bluetooth headset on and paired. Oh, and one day I got in and the system was still paired (barely) with my wife's iPhone 5 upstairs. Took me a little bit to select my phone instead of hers. I went the other direction in terms of mounting my devices. After quite a bit of trial and error, I mounted my devices on the extreme left edge of the upper glove box using an Aduro U-GRIP Universal Dashboard Windshield Car Mount. While it's well to the right of your field of view, it's facing directly at me and I don't look at it much since I now have turn-to-turn with Google Maps. And the glove box still opens. This also allows me if I really need to make a phone call on the freeway to punch and hold the button and summon Siri. It also makes it much easier to use all my apps (while not driving) through the IOS interface as Steve had intended. It's also almost directly above the power port in the console which makes for a very streamlined cord running up to the phone.
No, I did not remove it I just did not peel off the plastic thing on the bottom because the suction area is very sticky and there is no need to use it. I also like that I can leave it in the car and it's not that noticeable. Kind of looks like part of the car and is less attractive to potential thieves who think you left something valuable in the car.
I have no problem with Siri working via bluetooth. For navigation I usually use the Waze app which is free and gives good turn by turn directions. You can set it to work via bluetooth or the phones speaker. I usually set it to the phones speaker which is good enough and doesn't interrupt your radio or phone calls.
I just purchased the i-ottie easy flex 2. Have you tried sticking this on the textured dash? Did it stick on there pretty well?
It will stick anywhere but I decided to keep the sticky part covered because it wasn't needed where I put it and its much easier to remove that way.