Coming up on my first major interior cleaning of my AM-7. I'm looking for cleaning agents that: 1. Do not leave wax or oily residue on the dashboard; I want that very clean, uniform, matte finish you see in a new car. In past I have used a spray window cleaner on my dashboards, with a soft cloth (old diaper or dishtowel) which is OK but there may be something better. 2. Cleans the hard finish door surfaces and rear deck opening surfaces, much the same look as the dashboard. 3. Cleans the upholstered areas that have a hard surface under them i.e. center armrest and wont damage the cloth on the edges (edges get the most wear getting dirty AND getting clean). 4. Cleans the upholstered areas wtihout staining, blotching, changing the color or texture of the new upsholstery. 5. Ditto the headliner and sunshades. Thing is, I don't like to scrub; this always changes the reflectivity of the the surface and screws up the uniform appearance of the surface I'm cleaning, whether its plastic, upholstery or leather. Hm-m-m-m-m...imagine a Prius with Leather interior... We've come a long way from Armor-All. What is your favorite suite of cleaning agents, and why? Thanks. Bob
Bob - There's a Group Buy going on for Leather Interior here:
cleaners: one I like for cleaning scuff marks and such off door panels and newspaper ink off steering wheels etc. is a product called Mr.Clean Magic Eraser. Used it on the Classic and the Tundra and the 2K4 with good results. I did try it on a stain on the seat in the Classic and it cleaned the spot and it didn't stain or spot but try it on an inconspicuious area before you "go for it" on a seat cushion or any other fabric covered area. $3-$4 item at the supermarket.
Mr. Magic Eraser Thanks, Frank. I have a lot of respect for you guys on the Left Side. I'll check it out at Target, (or "TAR-Jay) as my son-in law call it. Happy voltz, eh? Bob