I recently sent the reverse and seat belt beep killer instructions to a buddy with a 2006 Prius and he swears that it does not work. Anyone know if there has been a change to the 2006?
To disable reverse beep (step by step) - works on my '06. 1. Turn the car on 2. Use the ODO button to cycle to ODO ( not trip A or B ) 3. Turn off the car 4. Foot on brake, Power the car into Ready, keep foot on break 5. Within 6 seconds, press and hold ODO for at least 10 seconds, keep it pressed 6. With ODO still pressed, Shift into Reverse with the gearshift 7. Once in Reverse, press the Park button 8. Release the ODO button 9. ODO should read b-on (Beep - On). Press the ODO button to switch it to b-off (Beep - Off) 10. Turn off the car Rumor has it the operation will fail if there is anything in the passenger seat weighty enough to trigger the passenger detection. -Ken
Note that those instructions are old. We discovered a unique circumstance that took awhile to figure how to overcome. But we did. We also disspelled that weight in the passenger seat belief. Check out page 4 of the USER-GUIDE for details and photos.
Has anyone wired/configured the system so that it would beep a rear-external beeper? This would seem to me to be much more valuable and safe (for pedestrians) and I would still probably hear it.
I let someone who is 6 foot 7 inches tall try out my 2006 a few days ago. His knees were about a half inch from the gear shifter. Now, just think what might happen if he hit that gear shift without knowing. You guessed it......it would go into reverse. Without those beeps he would not have had any feedback of the change. If he was at a stop sign when that happened my guess is he might accelerate right back into the car behind you. Moral of the story.......keep them nutty beeps.
I did it and it was simple and easy. Took me 20minutes because I'm old and slow. Cost less than $10.00. It can be heard inside and outside. Go to Main Forum "Has Any one deactiveded the beeping" post #18 by Dodiva. The instructions and pictures couldn't have been better. Kathleen
Thanks Kathleen. I came to the same conclusion for installation, but didn't have the Radio Shack part number. That helps. I am also looking at the Wolo unit for exterior mounting. http://www.wolo-mfg.com/back-up.htm PS: for other searching here - the poster's name is Godiva. on this thread: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15219&hl=beeping