I really like the new Prius and I am thinking about buying one for my wife. Last weekend we went to 2 different dealers and test drove the Prius. I love the car and the drive but both cars had the same really bad smell. The smell was kind of like a glue or chemical smell and both dealers tried to play it off like it was just a previous customers BO. but it didn't smell at all like BO. One of the dealers let me sit in his own Prius and to be honest I smelled it there also, the smell was not as strong but still there. Do all Prius' have that smell? Does it go away with time? My wife loves the car but she is very sensative to smells and cannot stay in the car longer than 5 min. Thanks for you help Dave
mmmm....odd <_< Maybe your olfactory nerves pick up on something that most of us don't. At first I was thinking of the new car smell - but you'd know that one for sure. On many new cars that I've had, there is a peculiar toxic odor that comes from the car as the "shipping coating" on the engine and exhaust burns off. That is, of course, what I've been told and may not be true at all. It usually went away in the first 200 miles. The wierd thing is that you sat in 3 different Pri and smelled the same thing. If it were 1, there could be a plausable explanation.
We have two Priuses. When we bought my Prius, I didn't notice any unusual smell. However, my wife's Prius, bought in early December, smelled to me like burning plastic spoons. You can't be a boy scout without having burned at least one plastic spoon in a camp fire, and I burned quite a few, so I know that smell well. I suppose it could have been a glue smell. The smell was very strong and didn't occur until the car was started and the A/C (heater) fan came on. I assumed that some plastic bits fell into the ceramic disk cabin heaters that the Prius supposedly has. I had planned to take it in for service if it continued for long, but after a week or two, it went away.
I thought of the same seinfeld episode when i sat in the cars It wasn't the new car smell for sure...I actually like that smell. The 2 test models were 2005 with about 1500 miles on them, the smell was there as soon as we got in the cars so I don't think it came from the vents and it wasn't the mold smell from the A/C I have a feeling that it might be coming from the rear battery or the cloth material in the seats...Im really not sure. I really want to buy this car but I am affraid of the smell. I keep telling myself that if it smelled people wouldn't buy it but every prius i have been in has smelled??? Thanks
All Toyotas that go overseas have their exhaust systems sprayed with a coating. This coating must burn off. The Prius generates very little heat, and in the winter, the exhaust does not get very hot, so it takes a long time to burn off (a month or so). The way to determine if the smell is indeed from the exhaust, start the car, and put the A/C to recirc. Then, get on the highway. Set the A/C to fresh. See if the smell goes away. If the smell bothers you, ask the dealer to wipe the exhaust system with brake cleaner or some other solvent. Also, buy your car in summer, and drive it around on the highway with the A/C on recirc. It will go away faster. Note that this smell will not be found on US produced vehicles; Camry, Avalon, Tundra, Matrix, Sequoia, Sienna, and some Corollas. Nate
I don't think the smell was from the exhaust as the smell was inside the car and not outside. Do any of you Prius owners have this smell?
Here is another topic about a new Prius with an odor, maybe not the same as yours? http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=14404&hl=smell&st=0
Dave, My car had an odor, too. The salesman said it was burning off something in the engine or catalytic converter (I can't remember what he called it.) He said it would go away in about 50-75 miles. He was right. The smell totally left the car. Toyota puts on some kind of protective oil for shipment. Hopes this helps.
I think there may be several odors at play here. Both cars I drove had well over 1000 miles on them so I don't think it was the protective oil coating. I even sat in the dealers personal car and I could smell it and it is almost a year old. I really want to buy this car but my wife can't handle the smell in the ones we saw. I told the dealer to call me when he gets a brand new 2006 so i can come in and see if it has the same smell.
Because the dealer never have the Prius in stock and have a waiting list they both have 1 2005 Prius that they use for test driving. I am sure that the dealers and not nice to that car and go through the drive through with it with smelly foods but the smell was not from food or BO it was a weird glue or chemical smell. If any body knows of a prius owner in San Diego that wouldn't mind letting me smell there car that would be great Kind of a crazy request i know....
:lol: :lol: :lol: I are only several thousands of miles away from me, so by the time you get here the smell might be gone, Sorry
My 06 had a pretty strong smell but at 600 miles it is still there, but much weaker. I think it will gradually go away.
So all the Priuii had the same smell and it does not seem to be a problem for the rest of us......hmmmmm? Did you check your shoes for doggie do? <_<
I was just hearing about a similar thing on the news. Apparently, the current version of "new car smell" is glue curing and the stuff that they use to "soften plastic" (that's what the announcer said). I noticed this sort of smell in my car when I got it, and there is still some left (not as bad as when I got it). They also added that breathing these vapors isn't good for you. However, if they gave a solution, I didn't catch that part. It might be enough to just drive around for a while with the fan on, bringing in outside air. Opening the windows at this time of year is optional, but seems like it would help. But this may be something that we're all stuck with, until it dissipates. -Roger
Yes, I have it. It's not from outside, nor the vent. Of four new Priuses, this is the first one I've had it with. Melting plastic spoons might be close. It's (words fail) acrid, pungent, whatever.