I had version 7.1 U32 navigation DVD and finally bit the bullet for the new U36 DVD. Even though we still have the grappy firmware, the DVD maps are a 1000% improvement. Sure I had to pry my wallet open and dust off the cobwebs but I now realize it was worth it. I got mine online from a Toyota Stealer as to avoid taxes and shipping was free. I can now find my way without having my wife tell me to stop for directions
In OHIO they change more than I would have thought. More important was the graphics and POI. Much better than before.
As Apple had to learn the hard way.... No one is going to make maps as good as Google because Google has almost 10,000 employees driving around the world everyday fact checking their maps and making updates every time something changes. If you buy a Prius, you're better off buying one without a navigation system and instead spend your money on a tablet computer that works well with Google maps.
When you say the graphics are better does that mean it does 3D mapping now instead of the rubbish 2D?
Interesting. I'm still using the original nav DVD that came w/my 06 (so they were completed no later that sometime in 05) and I'm still ok with it. It really sucked when I went to the Vancouver BC area of Canada but I brought along one of my Garmin units w/more up to date data. There are some changes I know about around 85 and 101 here, but I know about them and saw the construction myself while it was underway.
No, it won't do 3d because that is firmware and our units have never had a firmware update. But 2d still has a lot more detail.
I refuse to pay the high price for the DVD. I got the latest one for $40 from someone off Craig's List. This is the second time I dealt with this guy. The disc works fine but I did lose my ability to override while in motion.
yeah, once I drove to a Toyota dealer, it turned out to be a patch of waste land. The phone did not change so that I gave them a call. Their new address did not turn up on the map&@#$%&(#! I drove roughly to the new address and ended up in a limbo on the map while the dealership said they had been there for couple of years.
Quick question- does your map update for your 2004 Prius show Hawaii? If so, what version is it? Thanks
Nevermind if this is too far off topic, but how do you avoid taxes? Wanting to buy something (not navigation DVD's) and have a collegue ship it from Houston, but I'm looking at 10% US taxes (plus whatever importing will add to it).
If I buy something online from out of CA while I live in San Diego - say from AZ, I don't have to pay Sales tax - where if I buy it from CA, I end up paying San Diego's 8% Sales tax (El Cajon has 9%). Not sure how this would effect you not being in the US. If you lived in OR - they have no sales tax either across the board in a retail store nor online. Free shipping is up to the seller.
Thanks! It would be from Google (Nexus tablet), not sure where they are 'located', but my collegue indicated about 10% tax. (Or is there also state-tax regardless of sales-tax? I think I occasionally payed two kinds of tax when in the US: this is all strange to me, as we only have all-in prices in my country that include all tax, duty, etc. So what may seem very logical to you, is very strange to me) I cannot access the Google-store page at all as it is not (yet) operational in my country and therefor blocked I don't think I have any OR residents in my addressbook [/offtopic]
I have a simple question for u. Do u think this 7.1 Version will work on 2008 Prius in terms of updating the original Navigation System? Your help will be appreciated