seems like everyone agrees that the CA HOV stickers aren't all that appeasing to the eye... I was wondering if there is an alternative to place the stickers on the car as a magnet so that one could put them on only when needed.... thoughts?
I'm likely not the one to ask. I put HOV stickers on my cars that will never see an HOV lane or bridge. I do it to show the benefits of my EVs. I don't give a damn what they look like, though mine are white, and I only have three of them per vehicle. And on top of that... I agree with KTPhil that it would be difficult to mount them legally and magnetically.
Plus if you do that, can I borrow them? Mine haven't come in yet Plastic bumpers to not attract magnets very well.
what if you mounted the stickers on a piece of metal with some sort of non abrasive material on back and placed the magnet on the underside of the vehicle? With all the smart minds here, I can't imagine someone hasn't tried this yet.... anyone else care to chime in?
What is the strength-rating of a magnet, so one would install one (or a few) strong enough to hold the sticker through the plastic with no danger of it falling off? If it is difficult to pry the 'sticker' back off, then I'd say the magnet-behind-the-fender idea would work, but anything short of that might be a waste of time and result in a lost sticker...
Thanks for the feedback Mikepaul. I guess I would stick the sticker on a piece of metal thats not to light and not to heavy. Has anyone here tried anything like this? Sorry to offend anyone who loves tha look
I have done this with some success....please see: Magnets do work with these - you just have to get creative... Get some magnet sheets -sticky on one side - about $10 at an art store... cut out to shape of sticker and stick one side (stickyside) to the stickyside of the peeled off stickers... since it is impossible to stick on the little sickers with magnets (to the bumpers) my solution was to put another magnet stuck to the bumper as the connection to the magnetic sticker - and walla! the 2 magnets stick together well enough to keep them on the car at 70MPH. I then cover the bumper magnet with black tape (luckily by prius is black so it blends in very well) you may be able to find a close tape match at a hobby store ... or just buy some of the car paint from your dealer that matches your color and paint the bumper magnet. For the big "ugly" stickers I just place them on the metal portion of the rear quarter problems at all. Have had multiple cops pass by without questioning the placement. Robochimp
Thanks robochimp!!!! hopefully others will join us in our quest to fly down the highway without making our time machines look like eyesores!!!!!