I have an '06 Prius with the 6-CD changer JBL sound system. I think they called it package #5. I'm trying to figure out the best way to plug my iPod into the system. I read somewhere in Priuschat in a listing of new features for '06 that there was a mini-plug adaptor for an MP3 player in the middle of the console. I just don't see it anywhere. Then I came across a $300 device from VAIS Technology called the AIC-100i, which will fit into the glove box and allow me to have steering wheel control of the iPod as well as some sort of nifty iPod display on the control panel. Although that would be nice, I'm not dying to spend $300 for it. I'd be perfectly happy to just be able to plug it it with a basic connector, if a port does, in fact, exist. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Rick
1) Open the center console (the one you have your right elbow on while driving) 2) look all the way at the bottom of the front wall you should see two plus. One is a stereo plug and is the "input" for your MP3 player. The other is a 2nd cigarette lighter 12V adapter to power it at the same time. I think the #5 system should have this. I know that the #7 and #8 package have it
Thanks to both of you for responding. I did find the input and went to Radio Shack for the $4 mini jack. I'm happily cruising with my iTunes now. Cheers, Rick
Hi! You cannot control the iPOD from the touch screen this way, right? You need an iPOD adapter for doing it, isn't it? Thanks, Aditya
That's right. If you want the touch screen interface or steering wheel control then you would need to install the AIC-100i device that is mentioned at the beginning of this dialogue. I didn't purchase one in the end, because I was happy with just being able to plug the iPod into the stereo. So I can't say for sure to what extent of the touch screen functions. It seems pretty cool, though. If you go to the website for VAIS technology, you can download a PDF file that explains the features in detail. Rick
I'll gladly give you my VAIS tech adapter from my 05 for your JBL with MP3 CD's and Minijack in the 06