Yay!!!!! hurrah!! Yippi!!!! I"ve been waiting on this car since October!... makes it all the sweeter!... I think there is a red package #4 available too if someone is looking.... Thanks everyone for all the help and info figuring all this out.... I picked up a Silver Pine Mica on the 21st for my wife, but it get to drive one now! PC has been an invaluable resource and a home and its fun to help others following..... This has become like a big family where we celebrate, we laugh, we fight, and we tease...... I feel like I have a ton of brothers and sisters! There are many strong opinions about many different issues and its easy to become polarized this way or that, but really its all about our love for the prius and what it represents and the experience it offers! Although I'm sure the excitement will fade in time as life continues, I trust this forum will continue to be a platform and extension of each others vision, goals, and personal likes and dislikes. Although there are times when some feel like it would be nice to choke someone till they see it our way... it all comes back to bringing us together each evening as we share so many issues that draws us together regardless of whether we agree. My thanks to all!
Congrats Windstrings! You know, I've *actually* been thinking a lot about a Barcelona #8 to go with our Silver Pine #8! Hmmm.... can you post pics of them together so I can get a good idea of how they look together? Dave
I'm glad it's finally here, I think the color is great. Looking forward to seeing it at the meetup this month if I can make it. BTW how does your wife like the one you have now, or has she been able to get it away from you to drive it yet?
Phew....just went into garage to check and mine is still there. It's nice to know her twin is loved! Good luck with it. By the way, what mods are you planning?
Windstrings , Congratulations. You are a gentleman and from all of your posts that I have read you have been helpful. Enjoy your new Prius. I'm enjoyed my first visit to the gas station and only left them $7.25 cents....good riddens. I'd much rather pay Toyota than Exxon Mobil and others. Gary in Minnesota 2006 blue/with bisque leather also. take care friend.....
I want all the details, leather color, pictures, a nice long summary of your two Prius fraternal twins. Any kids coming into driving age, will there be another Prius in the family?
I will!... soon as the sun comes out I'll post them together on the main page.... that red is really catchy sweet!... I like black and red together and the black tires and the dark windows in back really accent with the red nicely! Both toegether they look like Christmas colors!.....
Yea.. I've let her drive it all week.... thats why I'm so glad to get mine!... I hope you can come.. I gonna bring both of them I think...
Yea Amen to that!..... Exxon's doing just fine I think!.. :lol: :lol: I bet your color combination is sweet too... that would have been my next choice. I"m getting a little older and red seems to be the best color for a nice midlife Crisis!! :lol: :lol:
Well I don't know when I can install them all, but on Feb 7 I"m expecting two BT braces and 2 EV mod switches to activate EV mode with the resume cruise button when pressing for over 3 seconds... "no functionality is lost to the cruise" I still need to make a final decision of what kind of wax I want to use.... I'm thinking about Zaino, but I'm still checking into that. I think I will order the Third brake light flasher. In time I expect to get the CAN-View but not until I learn more and have time to get bored a bit with what I already am challenged with. I monitor those threads and they still scare me! The Scanguage is another toy I expect to get. Thats pretty simple and nice. I may get different wheels but not for a while.. I will not lose MPG.. I expect they will be polished aluminum.. anything else weighs too much or is rediculously expensive! The polished aluminum is sweet if you keep it clean and polished.. makes everything else look like boxed factory stuff to me. I"m sure I will within the next year at least replace all my stereo speakers.. I hear that makes quite a difference. As far as amps... maybe.. my jeep has 4 amps in it with extra 6.5's, 4inche, 5.25's, 8inches and twelves... sounds quite nice.. but a big project to start at scratch!... maybe next year? I think the stereo head unit will be fine with qualtiy everything else. Besides it would be a bummer to lose all the integration. For now I've spent enough money having bought two prius's in the last 10 days..... I'm good for now......
Congratulations also!!! So did you get this one through Bob Lee?? I was with him on February 1st picking up my 206 Package #4 Driftwood Pearl (with 1 mile on it!) and he made it sound as though you still had quite a wait ahead of you. I hope that your long wait make the acquisition all the sweeter. And I hope that you enjoy the car long term.
I love this crew here. We can share what we think but we all still talk to each other. What is better than that? Our passion for the love affair we call Prius is only made better by the people here. Congrats on your Red Beauty.
No John, I got it through Gladstone "Kirk".. the same place I bought the other one. When my original one finally comes in, someone can have it, but they need to let him know now if they are interested.
I agree 360, we can get pretty crazy with all the different viewpoints, but just like any healthy family.. we also all celebrate together! Man, I don't know what it is about this Red.. but it is soooo addicting!... I've only had it for one day now and I like it twice as much as I did when I got it!..... Everyone at work loves it too..... 3 of the people I have showed it off to are now wanting one!.... Funny!.. thats what happened to me too!.... about 30 seconds in the car once it was actually moving and I was sold! It's fun to watch people when I'm cruising at about 35 and I show them on the screen the engine is completely off... They can hardly believe it!... I like to turn the A/C and fan off so it's dead bone silent at a stop light!....That really drives em crazy! I wanted to drive to the coast after work today, but I hear there is supposed to be close to 90mph winds etc as the storm moves through.... so maybe not? I just want any excuse I can to drive it! My wife asked me this morning if she could drive it to work to show the girls.. but I told her "yea right... forget it"... she knew it was a foolish question, but she thought she would pull my chain.