It was close to midnight and I was just coming home from a karaoke show. My MPG had just hit 52.8, and was still showing a full tank. I got out of the car, walked in the house and went to bed. The next morning I got up around noon to go out, and low and behold, my tank was down two bars, and my MPG was 50.4. I couldn't believe it. I had left the car running all night. The motor was so quiet that I thought I had turned it off, and without looking at the dash board (to make sure the car was off) I just walked in the house. Has anybody else done something stupid like that?
You are certainly not alone on doing this. There have been many, many reports of this. It is so quiet it is very easy to do if something distracts you.
The display only updates the MPG every two minutes, so by the time you got home, it was not updated. Next morning it was then updated to the new reading.
Is it possible to lock the prius via sks or lock button from the outside while car is on? I've never tried, but if it is possible, then there's a possibility I can end up doing this sometime in the distant future. I usually wait for my end-of-drive summary that comes on when you power down the car before I get out of it, so I don't ever see it happening.
No. You can't lock your car when the engine is running. I learned that driving with my dogs. I needed to stop at a rest area and of course I couldn't take them with me. I left them in the car with the A/C and tried to lock it, and no luck. I imagine someone couldn't have driven the car off without the key close by, but I rushed back to the car in record time anyway. My other half has done that with my car. Not all night, but probably an hour before I noticed. You are definitely not in the minority. You would think that at some point, they will have some feature that only allows a car to idle for so long without the MPH fluctuating. Perhaps that is in development for the next model? I wonder if people do that with other push button to start models? I feel that is the biggest reason that anyone would leave the car running...
oh ya, and plenty worse. you're lucky it was outside. an elderly couple left their lexus running in an attached garage an died in their sleep from co poisoning.
Well actually they could. They can drive as long as they want until the car is shut off. The smart key only starts the car, it doesn't keep it running.
My old vehicle had this really cool thing called a key. It was cleverly designed so that you needed it to both start the vehicle and turn off the vehicle, and it came with the fail safe that it was impossible to remove it from the ignition without the vehicle being turned off. Now, I have the SKS system...and's "Gadgety Cool". But really? I don't find it significantly much more benefit than a key and a remote. It may actually take me a few seconds longer to sit in my Prius, release the emergency brake, power up and it did to jump in my car, turn the ignition and go... Yeah, there is some convenience in not having to reach for a key....or use a key, but I actually find that benefit to be minimal. Non existent when you hear stories of people forgetting to turn off their vehicle and/or losing their SKS fob. I know this will upset LOVERS of the SKS system, and eventually I think more and more vehicles are going to be push button start.....but really? I think stories of the SKS advantage are greatly exaggerated.
Here's what I do when leaving my car (to park) I do NOT use the "P" button, I simply push the "stop/start" button. It puts the car in park and shuts it off. (one less button to push when you get out)
I saw the potential of not turning off the ICE when I first got my 2010 Prius IV, so I made it a habit to always use the Power button to shut off the car, and not press the Park button first before pressing Park. It accomplishes the same thing in one step.
I'm adjusting and doing that now. At first I was pushing the park button and THEN the power button, despite the non-necessity of doing so. But I found that if driving at night, and if I turned my lights off, suddenly my whole console was dark and finding the park button was problematic, while the Power button was still illuminated.'s easier just to hit the power button. Seems a little strange to me, that Toyota would even include the instructions to purposely hit the Park Button when powering down, when clearly if you are powering down, you do not need to do so, it is an automatic action.
Yep! It was out side running in the winter, so saw smoke and I said oh sh++. Just sucks doesn't it! I have not done it since then!
That makes sense. Good to know. I didn't even think about that. I remember the dealer showing me that now...
Yea, I figured that. But was asking more in line of accidentally locking car while its still running. Don't imagine ever locking a running car via mechanical key.
This is in response to the poster who wants to keep the A/C running with the dog inside while in the store.