Does Toyota offer their GPS system with "speed/red light camera locations" feature as an option? I didn't notice this feature anywhere nor anybody discussing it. I just ordered "Cheetah C50" as it becomes a necessity to have one in a city.
Most drivers go a bit faster on major roads, eg. if speed limit is 60km/hr almost everybody goes about 65km/hr if not I would get a finger :-/ The camera got me going 78km/hr in 60km/hr zone. I consider GPS camera locator device a good investment. In most cases I go below speed limit but sometimes I have to flow with a traffic.
Odd ... I adhere closely to speed limits and do not find that doing so has bothers other drivers - but I've had my drivers license only 47 years. No one gives me "the finger", honks or otherwise complains. Do you really thing that you have "to flow with traffic" if others are violating speed limits? I've never had to. I've driven all over Canada from Vancouver Island to P.E.I. (family is from near London, ON) and, if anything, I have found that Canadians adhere to speed limits more than drivers in the U.S. But maybe part of the reason is that most Canadian provinces - Alberta is one of the few exceptions - confiscate radar detectors and levy stiff fines for their use.
Not everybody will get you a finger if you go with speed limit but you will get a dirty look many times. The cameras and/or speed trap are positioned to generate profit for the city, you can not deny it. I do pay my fair share of taxes and I don't plan to be part of this source of revenue for the city. Having a constant reminder (by GPS) about camera location and/or speed traps will keep one out of trouble.
Speed behavior varies considerably by region. As for Canadians adhering to speed limits better than U.S. drivers, I'd very much dispute that when comparing lower BC and the border area of AB to northwest WA. My experience is the opposite. But WA is not typical of the US, and I haven't driven elsewhere in Canada.
Aren't BC and AB two of the three provinces where radar detectors are not illegal. Granted, my most recent driving "up there" was in Ontario and over a Canada weekend to boot when police were everywhere on the highways. WA seems about the same as the rest of the U.S. in how people drive (I've driven there a LOT) -- not sure what the difference are to which you are alluding. Drivers in both are our countries seem typically more courteous than drivers in some other countries I've driven in.
Detectors are not illegal in WA either. Well, I've been driving here for several decades, and very very rarely get a finger or horn honk for obeying the speed limit. The mean speed is often higher, and some drivers do get antsy about it. But 'speed limit' is still within the ordinary speed distribution, with enough of us obeying it that nearly all the local speedballs who couldn't tolerate it burst their aneurisms long ago. This isn't SoCal. The very few cases of serious hostility I've received have been heavily biased towards vehicles with out-of-state plates. I thought Athens was bad. That was before visiting China and some other lesser-developed countries.
No, it's more of a PND feature since it needs to be updated. For me, I just enter it into my Address Book and put a chime with it (door bell or normal chime depending on whether I need a directional chime or whether more than one direction has the speed camera). Now it'll chime whenever the intersection has a speed camera. I can think of two locations where the chimes keep going off . Well ok 3 location, though I never travel on the 3rd one.