So afer owning an SUV since 1996, the Prius took some getting used to in terms of clearance and turning. I was out on the Baltimore Beltway last month, and two large (football sized) chunks of metal came loose from a low flatbed semi that was in front of me. I didn't have the time or room to go around them, so I just tried to center myself on them, thinking I had clearance to just "go over" them... yeah... not so much. Anyway, now my Prius is at the dealership, getting repairs to the front bumper and splashguard, as well as repairing a large gash on the front part of the rear passenger wheelwell. What an ordeal; but luckily my insurance company is covering it as a non-fault accident on my part. The worst part of the whole thing is that since Monday, I've had to drive a Ford Taurus... if I could sum it up in one word, it would be "oh-god-I-hate-this-car-more-than-anything-and-want-to-drive-it-right-into-a-lake." I like hyphens... I don't see how anybody would want to drive one of these things... It's loud, it's unattractive, and it's cumbersome. Maybe there's a keyless entry, but Enterprise didn't give it to me. And since only the driver's door has a keyed lock, if I want to get something out of the back, I have to unlock it at the driver's door, go to the back, get what I need, go BACK to the driver's door, and re-lock the vehicle. And don't even get me started on the "CHiPs" shifter on the steering column... haha. And people wonder why Ford and GM can't sell a car to save their lives... Oh, please, let my car be ready to go today... Thanks for the rant time. I feel cleansed.
see... thats why I gave my boat on wheels... errr Taurus to my sister when I bought the prius. I liked the car at first, but driving it was like driving a tank.
Feel free to hate the Taurus but when gas supplies are cut with ethanol, it might be able continue without problems. I don't think Prii can run on ethanol mixes, can they?
Sure. We can run on up to, what, 10%? Maybe 15%? No, you can't put E85 into a Prius, but neither can you into most cars on the road today. No big deal. E10 is a pretty typical winter blend around here (California).
The Taurus is a great rental car though lol. Had the opportunity to rent one back in 97 and 00. The 2000 was much better but still, the lack of headrests is rather annoying. I also found a dead and dried up insect in the rear left door pocket. Needless to say, it freaked me out when I put my hands in there, felt it and then picked it up to see what it was. Ugh.
I miss mine too. Also a victim of freeway furniture. I bought the Prius to save miles on my 80,000 mile Impreza, which I love and plan to keep several more years, but not with a 500 miles/week commute. The Impreza gets about 28 mpg, Prius is on 48 on its third tank (1100 miles). Anyway. I'm back in the Impreza for at least a week (better than a Taurus, I know, I had one). I do miss the quiet cabin, better stereo and smooth ride of the Prius after only 2 days. It is kind of fun to just stand on it, without trying to put big numbers on the mpg screen (just kidding). I need a bumper, grill, fog light, and door dent repaired after a truck tire tread attack (already posted). Anyway, too much junk on the freeway, and it seems to have our number. Its my third freeway damage in 3 years. My wife's Outback, my Impreza, new windshields and hood paint damage, and now the baby Prius. Look out for the junk on the will find eventually find you.
Uh, if it can't we're all screwed. Most parts of the country mix ethanol into their gas during the winter as a replacement for the dreaded MTBE. I'm sure the prius can run fine on upto E10. I dont' think that there are any cars out there now that can't unless they're ancient. Many cars sold today can be switched to Flex-fuel (up to E85) for about $100. Minnesota is looking to require E20 by 2010 or 2012 I think. They're working with auto mfgs to make sure that the transition goes smoothly. So yes. The prius can run on ethanol blends as long as the amount of ethanol doesn't exceed a certain amount maybe 15-20%. You're probably doing it right now.