I bought a set of Iridium plugs, but haven't installed them yet. I figured 10,000 miles out of the OEM ones would do. Has anyone used iridium yet, to say if I should switch earlier or just find someone to take them off my hands because they suck?...
I think you'll find the Prius already has Iridium plugs standard. The Service Manual doesn't call for replacing them til 120K Miles, so you might be throwing away a bit of their useful life at 10K. Oh, the 120K replacement is only for the Non-CARB states, and it's mandated to keep the emissions warrantee in effect. For CARB States (CA, NY, Maine, Mass, VT) the replacement doesn't come til 150K miles. After everyone gets low-sulfer fuel, maybe we'll all get 150K intervals.
It's possible that the plugs are Denso-Iridium because Toyota and Denso jointly sponser various race cars. Has anyone taken a look at the plugs yet and know what kind they are? I'm pretty sure it says iridium in the owner's manual though. You may want to hang on to the new plugs you bought and install them a little further down the road. ~Andrew PS. I would like to hear people's various opinions on iridium plugs. I still haven't made up my mind as to what kind is the best.
Back before I ordered them, I did multiple searches for iridium and Prius, and never came across any info on the Prius having iridium plugs. Now, http://www.priusonline.com/viewtopic.php?t=1256 pops up to taunt me. I had to get a part number by using the Prius part at NGK and then getting a Denso cross-reference. All I can hope for is that the OEM ones I'd get at 120,000 miles from the dealer are more expensive, and by then they probably won't be. Sheesh...
About changing the plugs at 120k miles. The one comment that I might add is a recollection of a call to the Car Talk guys several years ago. A caller noted problems breaking his/her plugs loose in a high milage car. Their response to the more general issue was to suggest loosing all the plugs up occasionally (without replacing them) just so they don't become fused to the engine block.
:iagree :iagree :iagree :iagree And the most important and most over looked is the proper TORQUE :!: An over torqued plug and you will learn how to do helicoils :!: :computer: :wave:
I have 4 plugs in Japanese boxes on a shelf, and absolutely no idea where any paperwork is. Odds are good I'll use them eventually, so unless someone here has a need for plugs they're OK where they are...