Is there a way to run the AC, with the car running and lock the doors and walk away from it. I need a way to run AC while locking the car with my dog in it. Various tries didn't work, including manually locking the car. Cheers, Mi3ke
You can leave the car in 'ready' mode with the AC on. The fob won't work for this. You have to use the metal key in the lock cylinder on the door to lock the car. You have to use the same key to unlock the door when you return. It's kind of a hassle removing the metal key from the fob to lock and unlock the door. I took that key to a big box store and had them cut a regular key that I keep on my key chain -- no hassles and no danger of loosing the fob.
You could try to roll down the drivers window and hit the lock button from outside the car, then hit the window up auto and remove your arm out of the way. I think that you will need the mechanical key to unlock with this method, because I don't think the FOB will lock / unlock doors while vehicle is in ready.
Just for the heck of it, I would make up a sign that says "Engine Running" or some such responsible informative indicator that won't make people worry if they see a dog locked in a car. By the looks of your avatar, you might be somewhere cold, but you're asking about A/C. Would that be for heating or cooling then? In some parts of the country, like where I live, you will get in a load of trouble if you lock anything "living" in your car, especially in the Summer.