Many people have called the Prius an appliance as an insult. I don’t find it an insult however. I personally look at a vehicle as an appliance and just like any appliance it has a specific job, it has certain features to help it perform that job. The Prius’ job is to get you from point A to point B safely, in reasonable comfort, and using the least amount of fuel possible. Now I’m sure many of you may disagree with my assessment; and thus begins my next poll. Do you look at a vehicle as an appliance or something else; some might consider a vehicle an investment. I can see where certain vehicles might qualify as that, such as a restored antique vehicle, however most wouldn’t use one as a daily driver. So do you consider a vehicle an appliance? If you don’t, what does a vehicle mean to you? Do you consider the Prius an appliance? If so, Why? OK, let’s have fun with this. Not looking for any insults here, just my curiosity again.
I voted no. For me a vehicle is more of an extension of the driver. Like your favorite clothes. Comfortable, functional, and enjoyable to wear. One of the things I like about the Prius is that I find it fun to drive in urban traffic. This is kind of a big deal to me because few things make urban driving fun ;-)
Some vehicles are appliances. My Prius is a very good transportation appliance. Nothing wrong with that.
Heh; sometimes when I plug it in at the end of a drive it does feel a bit like an appliance. I don't have a lot of love for my microwave though. I was a bit excited about my new refrigerator as we hadn't had a new one in a long time...but that wore off in about 2 days. I think when I lived in the midwest and spent a lot of time on empty roads in the country side -- and longer drives -- my cars did feel a bit more like appliances to me. These days I have to be so alert to everything going on around me that I find myself a lot more focused on the driving itself. I really need to feel pretty connected to my car to avoid getting hit by the crazy drivers. The technology also makes me feel a lot more connected to everything that is going on behind the scenes; and I feel like more of an active participant in everything.
It's an appliance. My full-size all wheel drive van does it's job nicely and the Prius does it's job nicely. Some cars could be considered "investments" but most are certainly not, unless you're into investments that lose value over time. Currently, my recreation/entertainment appliances are my inboard tournament tow boat, golf cart, and a very large TV. ap·pli·ance [uh-plahy-uhns] Show IPA noun, verb, ap·pli·anced, ap·pli·anc·ing. noun 1. an instrument, apparatus, or device for a particular purpose or use.
I do, but I don't consider that an insult. For our needs and budget, the Prius is absolutely the best tool for the job. That's a good thing. I've owned lots of older cars and trucks that I babied, worked on, modified,, tinkered with.... that level of interest and emotional attachment made them not appliances.I'd put up with the things about them that made them poor day-to-day cars because of that attachment. Neither of the 2 cars we currently own ('10 Prius, '96 Accord) qualify.
I think one only has to look at Prius Chat and/or the sheer number of automotive enthusiast websites as a whole, to realize that vehicles are appliances and tools that become so much more to individuals. SUV's, Trucks, Jeeps, Sports Cars, or Prius they are often extensions of our inwardly projected self images. Since vehicles are tied directly into our personal transportation, and often transportation of friends and loved ones, they also tend to peripherally or directly get tied to numerous personal memories over the course of years. That's not just a car, that's the car that took you to the celebration, wedding, graduation, or even funeral. Are cars appliances? Yes, and often a lot more.
I find it hard to believe anyone who actually thinks of their car as an appliance would spend much time on a forum such as this. I have never posted on a dishwasher forum.
My time on PriusChat is just a sideline to the appliance chat I spend most of my time with. READ ME FIRST! (Preliminary FAQs) - Ars Technica OpenForum I wish I could find a good refrigerator chat.
I consider my Prius to be a family member...just like my 4 kids, 3 dogs and 1 cat. I haven't named my new one yet, but every car of mine has had names: blue Santa Fe = Titanic, what and black Santa Fe = Snoopy, white 2003 Prius = Myrtle (the turtle), blue 2007 Prius = Flipper, silver 2010 Prius = (names that I can't mention on a family forum), blue sky 2011 Sonata Hybrid = Harvey Dent(Two-Face) one side was sideswiped and repainted. The 2013 is currently known as the Batmobile, but that may change.
Yes, but I actually enjoy driving my prius. It's the first car I've owned that I can say that I actually love.
I have spent time on a refrigerator forum. It usually starts when I'm looking for the solution to a problem, but also just to see what other people have experienced with the same/similar refrigerator. There are forums and chat rooms for every conceivable appliance.
Sometimes household appliances are too. A woman I know told me she likes to sit on her washing machine during spin cycle.
I have the washer and dryer in a closet directly across from my computer, with countdown timers on each so I know exactly how long I have on Prius Chat. [Stock photo mine are reversed, the doors are reversible.]