OK, well I finally have my first new 2012 Prius 4. being that the 2013's are out I was able to get $4k off msrp Did I get a good deal? I would luv any driving hints to hit MPG records...........
Congratulations! Sounds like a deal to me. Just by driving a Prius, you'll get good gas mileage. How you drive it will determine just how well you'll do. Exceptional mileage and "MPG records" requires discipline. At your current age, your driving style is probably set. I've noticed that the older I get, the more conservative I drive. The Prius is the right car for me at this point in my life.
OK so I went to work today about 70 miles total mostly 45mph roads some const. traffic but the info screen says 60mpg is that right? That is crazy!! Why did I not buy one before?
Greetings and Welcome! Love the Frog! (**) (**) Yes. I know. I have a grand-daughter. I've memorized the movie.
The Prius MPG meter usually reads about 2-3 MPG optimistic, but 60 MPG is certainly possible in a Prius. My Prius gauge read 60 MPG after my trip home from work today, so I figure I actually got about 57 MPG in real world mileage. The fact that you were driving a lot at 45 MPH did a lot to increase your mileage I’m sure. Slow steady co0nservative driving will reward you with excellent mileage. There are many threads here on PC that will teach you how to maximize your MPG. I don’t hyper-mile myself, there is too much traffic around here to get away with that, but I do try to stick to the speed limits, which results in very good MPG. Congratulations on your new Prius and welcome to PC.
OK so I have had my Prius for 3 full weeks put on over 1080 miles and put in 5-6 gallions for fuel each week................ Why did I not buy one years ago, this is great MPG 57-60 mpg
With only 150 miles, I can confidently say it's not the car, it's the way you drive. Scan through these forum for tips on how to get higher mpg's. Typically this happens with new hybrid owners who continue their previous driving habits. Most people I know who don't drive hybrids only know how to press the gas pedal and brake pedal with no in between. Amazingly, if people would apply proper "hybrid" driving techniques to non-hybrid vehicles, they would easily increase their gas mileage 20% to 30%, or more.
Thanks for advice, but I actually did some reading. And im not all new to prius, my friend had gen 2 which we took on the trip from LA to Vegas, then he traded it in for 2013 and we went to Santa Barbara. I did drive half of the way each time, and we average scored about 50mpg...