My Salsa Red Prius is named "Ruby." She was purchased in July and ruby is the birthstone for July. I don't usually name cars, but this one was different and just needed a name.
Birdo My wife thinks it looks like an egg. I'm a video game geek. Super Mario Bros. 2 Birdo was an enemy that shot out eggs.
My friends make fun of me for all our techno gadgets -- so to stay with the trend I've called my Barcelona Red Prius GIZMO.
Mine had an identity change. She was Nina for the first week or so, but then it was clear that her name should be Bianca. That's stuck.
Mine (arriving sometime between now and the end of March) will be named Stan. He's replacing Kyle, my 1997 Mitsubishi Galant. My current motorcycle, a 2001 Honda Rebel, is named Butters. My previous motorcycle was named Kenny. I killed Kenny, I'm a bastard.
Unfortunately, my new 2006 seems to have acquired the name "Sippy", because it just "sips" at the fuel. We're hoping we can think of something different to name it before it sticks! :lol:
Well, as much as I refused to name my Prius (or any car for that matter) mine now has a name. I got a bottle of hot sauce recently. It was Blair's something or other sauce. It came with a little keychain with a skull on it. I put that on my key fob. Then I noticed it said Blair's on the skulls forehead, so now it's named Blair.
I got my Prius one week before we had to euthanize my cat "Silver Belle." To honor her, the Prius' name is "Blue Belle." I call the NAV Lady "Alma," which was the name of an AI in the animated series The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers. P.S. 1000th post. Yippee
A female friend of mine calls it my spaceship. However, it has the same first name as my baloney, which is Oscar.
Maleficent. so far, anyway. My daughter was scared when she heard it was green that it would be the same color as Maleficent's magic. When she saw the car, she said it wasn't, but that name seems to be sticking better than anything else.
I am with you. Mine is Priapus and I got it from this website. License plate is Koalas, and Priapus is as cute as a koala.