If someone has never been in a hatchback back before, the extra space from the back makes you feel it is more roomy.
With the seats folded down I can pack almost as much stuff in the Prius as the X5. Took me by surprise the first time, definitely was a mystery moment for me.
Smaller on the outside. If you look at the middle shelf in my Prius, under the shifter, you'll find a sonic screwdriver. That is honestly where I keep mine. Amusingly, it's been rather handy storing it there.
I have co-workers make the statement that they might be interested in a Prius if it were not such a small car. If they ever take a look at mine they are always amazed at how much room it has Then they typically come up with another excuse for not buying one ..... high cost of batteries, yada, yada, yada ! If they are truly interested I will take the time to give the "facts" about the true cost and reliability history of the car.
Still looking for the swimming pool. It's not mentioned in the owner's manual but i'm pretty sure one day we'll just round a corner and and then .
Too funny I was wondering if the people that were not Doctor Who fans would understand. Speaking of sonic screw deivers F.Y.E. had them for sale and small tardis and a lamp too and other stuff. I really wanted to buy a bunch of stuff but I knew the wife would say they were dust collectors.