DEI/Viper Smartstart vs Long-Range Remote

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by The Critic, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. The Critic

    The Critic Resident Critic

    Oct 28, 2005
    2011 Prius
    I am currently in the process of installing a remote starter on my 2011 Prius and have a bit of a dilemma. The "simplified" remote starter that I am installing (RSR setup using a DB-ALL and a plug-and-play t-harness) will allow me to remote start the vehicle by clicking the "lock" button three times.

    However, by only utilizing the OEM remote, I am limited to the range of the factory remote. This makes it a bit inconvenient if I am parked faraway from the office.

    Fortunately, Directed (DEI) has two options for extending the range of the remote starter: 1) a bulky remote which advertises a 1-mi range, 2) DEI Smartstart, which is a subscription based service that allows you to start the car from your mobile phone. I am having some difficulty deciding which option is better, and would like the board's suggestions and/or personal experiences.

    Without getting into discussions about the security aspects of the smartstart, these are the pros/cons that I have thought of for each option.

    1) Viper 9752vl (comprised of Viper 7752v remote, XL202 transmitter, 6711t antenna).

    Pros: No long-term subscription fee, faster response time for lock/unlock (no 5-10 sec delay for signal to travel thru cell towers).
    Cons: Antenna must be mounted in dot-matrix area of windshield (potential target), bulky remote, range may be inadequate if I am parked in a distant parking lot.

    2) Directed Smartstart

    Pros: No range limitation (able to start car from anywhere with cell service), no antenna mounted, no need to carry additional remote.
    Cons: $60/yr service plan, slower response time of lock/unlock from phone (signal has to travel to cell towers).

    The upfront cost is the same - for either the Smartstart module or the long-range remote.

  2. chrisj428

    chrisj428 Active Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Vernon Hills, IL
    Other Hybrid
    Plug-in Advanced
    Personally, I went with the SmartStart. I was one of the first to jump on that bandwagon and, while it had some bumps, they've worked out all the teething problems. The delay of which you speak isn't that long at all.

    I decided on the SmartStart because my fob is all by itself (all my other keys are on another ring). So, for me to have another fob in my pocket would defeat the purpose. And, as I always have my phone with me, it seemed to be a no-brainer.