It's my wife's car, so I don't have the full stats--but here's what I saw this weekend, which I think is one year plus four days from purchase: ~8950 miles 101 mpg (going up again after winter, when it bottomed out at 96) 53% EV I think we'll do somewhat better this year, being more accustomed. And this weekend was (I think) only the second time my wife has charged the car away from home, whereas the one evening a week I drive the car I charge it away from home > 90% of the time.
I just joined the club, too. It was one year ago today. And I just filled the tank for the 28th time. Miles driven = 18,215 EV ratio = 41% (including a 2,300 mile trip to Ohio and back) Gas used = 174 U.S. gallons Spent on gas = $491 Spent on electricity = $141 Total energy cost = $632 Cost per 100 miles driven = $3.47 Savings vs a 28 mpg gasser = $826
My one year anniversary will be in a couple of days. 13,600 miles and 53.7MPG overall according to the Prius computer.
Very complete records Jerry, I could never be that efficient. Hope you don’t mind, I’ll just use your figures for accuracy. My one year was Dec 17, had my oil changed. Requested my old oil, that sort of threw the dealership for a loop.
All of it. I’ll probably strain it, reuse it if I think it’s clean enough, save it for emergency, etc. The dealership, previous to this told me they could not do it, for physical reasons. All BS. They all seem to convey that it is their oil, they own it. One guy asked for what purpose, I said sampling, oil analysis, he asked all of it?, I said yes I want to mix, shake the container and get a true sample. All BS, but I’m quick on my feet, lately. I think that most PCers agree that on the whole Prius Hybrid oil should be cleaner because of less engine use.
I think that would only apply sometimes, if the HV battery pack still has some juice in it. A weak pack, would cause the ICE to continuously run high! Dxta
I try to take it back to where I bought the oil used to replace it, but will drop it anywhere that's convenient if the fancy strikes me.
When I worked for Sears long long ago, it went from the oil pan straight down to a funnel on a long pipe and into a small barrel. To isolate one car's oil would have been a bit of a project.