Had my wife's baby shower this past weekend. 66 miles away so obviously we brought the C to save some money on gas. Well, we stuffed it completely full of baby gifts with the rear seats down and cargo cover removed. All that and we still got 65 mpg on the mostly highway drive back! Sorry, no pics. But you can imagine the rear seats were down and just barely enough space left for me to get a glimpse through the rear view mirror.
Yeah, I think lots of people underestimate how much you can get in this "little" car. And congratulations on the baby!
Yeah, there is more space than people think. I put a tent, 3 bag chairs, a canopy, a camping hammock, my small suitcase and a cooler full of beer in the back of mine. Then I stopped and got groceries and fit them back there as well. It's a good thing I am great at Tetris or I would have removed the cover, but man is this thing better than I initially thought it would be.
People who complain about cargo space generally seem to be bad at car tetris. And/or imagine themselves frequently hauling large amounts of crap, which they'll never actually do. On the odd occasion more cargo space is needed, that's what multiple trips/friends/uhaul trucks/those large pickups at Lowe's and Home Depot are for.