Since others have responded to the other two issues, I'll take this one. I agree that it's stupid. At the very least they should use the censor in the passenger seat and enable the nav when someone is sitting there. However, I do understand the liability issue of why they "labotomize" it. However, I don't see why you should order something to fix it when there's a very simple hack to activate it. Yes you have to input it each time you restart the car and want to use the nav, but it takes less than 30 seconds and you can do it while driving. Hit Menu Hit Volume Tap the upper left corner of the MFD Tap the lower left corner of the MFD Tap the upper left corner of the MFD Tap the lower left corner of the MFD A screen will appear with several touch screen buttons. You want the one named "Override." I don't knwo what the others do, but I wouldn't touch if I were you. Press and hold the "override" button until you hear a beep (about 5 seconds) Press Back Now all your Nav system controlls are available to you. However, if you aren't happy with the Prius I hope it finds a home with someone who will be, and that you wind up with something you like better. I know my mileage isn't what I had hoped, but I make a lot of short trips and live in a very hilly area. When I make longer flatter freeway trips I get more like 50PMG and I usually travel speed limit or above. I have to object however to you saying the car is unsafe. It's actually one of the safest in it's class. The rear visibility is better than many hatchbacks, and the new model has a rear camera option.
Tallahassee, FL Just purchased car this month, still learning how to drive but having erratic results. Took trip this weekend of 590 miles and tested the car and got the following results by the MFD: @55 mph for 50 miles Temp mid 30's moderate rolling hills 50.8 mpg @65 mph for 50 miles temp slightly colder 45 mpg @70 mph for 50 miles temp 40's 46.6 mpg @75 mph for 50 miles temp 50's 44.5 mpg @ 80 mph for 40 miles temp 60's 38.5 mpg used cruise control for all tests, only driver in car with 50lbs of luggage. January stats: 1st tank 7.46 gal - 350 tank and total miles - $18.05 $2.42/gal MFD mpg 46.6 actual 43.4 2nd tank 4.6 gal - 329 tank miles 679 total - $11.40 $2.48/gal MFD mpg 47.3 actual 69.26 (no way this was accurate but that was all the gas the tank would take) 3rd tank 9.1 gal - 247.7 tank miles 926 Total Miles MFD mpg 46.5 actual 27.22 ( this balanced out the last tank) total mpg since purchase of car 43.4 over 926 miles. I thought you had to fill the tank when two bars were still showing???? Noleman
Thank you Ray! I will definitely look that up. I just want it to stay at the screen I set it to. If I want it to change, I'll change it. Update 2/2/06 - works fine, thanks! However, one funny bug found. When one backs up and the rear camera engages, then shifts back to P or D, the legal screen comes up, even though one hasn't touched the Nav screen.
My first two tanks (the second fill-up was February 1, but I used most of the gas in January, so I figure it belongs here): Tank #1: Tank miles: 324 Total miles: 333 MFD mpg: 42.7 Gallons filled: 7.03 Price per gallon: $2.479 Calculated mpg: 46 Tank #2: Tank miles: 317 Total miles: 650 MFD mpg: 42.3 Gallons filled: 8.136 Price per gallon: $2.719 Calculated mpg: 39 Lifetime calculated mpg: 42.3. Average temperature: I haven't been keeping track, but it's pretty mild here in SoCal.
We have a 2004 Prius and just passed 40,000 miles. We live in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, (between Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe California). Most of our driving is in the mountains, but we also frequently take longer trips, (one son is going to school in Arcata, Ca. and the other Santa Barbara, Ca.) My wife routinely get 43-45 mpg and I get 46-48 mpg on a tank of fuel. The car has been trouble free and we love far! Firefly
Tank 1 (2/1/06): Tank Miles: 365 Total Miles: 410 Tank MPG: 46.1 Lifetime MPG: 46.1 Avg Temp: 40s Price of Tank: $17 Price per Gal: $2.15 (estimate, forgot to write it down)
Nope -- 87 octane regular Chevron unleaded. Prices are a few cents lower today, but still in the mid-to-high 2.6's.
must be market demand... all ya'll rich people down their in LA and Hollyweird... more money than you know what to do with.
I am sorry to have to tell you this, but in case you had not heard the news, Jim, JimofDG, passed away on January 17, 2006 sometime between 9:10 and 9:25 in the morning. I will leave this message on various threads that Jim replied to so that those that know him have a chance to learn more. Click this link for details of his death, his life, and links to his obituary and the online guestbook. At least one Prius member did make a note in the guest book already. As Jim's friend for the last 33 years I just want you all to know how very much he enjoyed being a part of this forum. Remember him with joy, not with sadness, and that you as a group provided him with a great deal of excitement and good clean, fuel-efficient fun! Peter
Tank Miles: 395 Total Miles: 399 Tank MPG: 42.9 Not too bad for my first tank in the middle of the winter.
I moved from New Orleans to Columbus last week. My car id a Prius 2005. New Orleans average 53 mpg of 7500 miles. Trip NO to Columbus (about 1000 miles) average -about 49 miles. Columbus averate (400 miles)-42.5 miles. Car is affected by cold weather-but so are other vehicles.
Purchased 2005 Prius Feb 28 06....first three tanks of gas avg 52.6 mpg. Thrilled......Toyota hit a GRAND SLAM with it machine!!!!!!!
well i am a delivery guy for a well know china restaurant around were i live and i get right now about 42 mpg and that is all stop and go. temp. 35-55f speed never over 45 fill up cost $26 to $28