Got word from the realtor that my offer was accepted by the sellers and am now waiting to see if the short sale negotiator is as good as the seller's agent says she is. In the meantime, my Prius is loaded with my shotgun, ammo, license, camo... tomorrow I am out in the woods to experience spring turkey hunting for the first time... usually it was deer or pheasant/chukkar hunting.
Watch out for the Rightist! Those cowardly, chicken-hawks want to fill the woods with dummies whose only skill is to hit you while they try to kill a Robin. Bob Wilson
Watch out for the Urbanists! Or at least those who see zero utility in you being able to harvest your own free-range meat. Both the Rural Leftists and the Rural Rightists are more likely to understand.
Watch out for the politicists! People who can blend politics into the most happy and carefree thread I've read in a while. Have fun!
One of my co-workers is an avid hunter and she especially likes turkey season. Unfortunately, this season has been a bust for her - seeing only hens and jakes so far. Good luck hunting and good luck with buying the short sale. They tend to drag on for quite a while and often end with rejection.
Love all the commentary! Freedom of speech and expression is a gift! Turkey hunting was fun! We were in a blind with an elegant Montana tom decoy to lure the gobblers in and waiting and waiting as the sun came up and heard a bona fide gobble that ended in a low pitched "drum" that I have witnessed in person on wild turkeys a former neighbor had a permit to house. We purred and clucked back (for want of a better description I call it the 'come hither' or 'horny hen' call) and had that gobbler and two others gobbling back... all competition for the "hot hen" which was actually my boyfriend and I in a blind! The conversation ensued with the gobblers coming closer as the slate call was sounding hot ("Hey big boy, can I give you my phone number?") and then, silence. Waiting, waiting.... Followed by more silence. Then, "Mr. L.L. Bean hunter" (aka Fisher Price My First Turkey Hunting Day) in orange comes banging up the hill... au contraire to the little I know about turkey hunting - stay safe and stay put as turkeys will see movement ahead of time and bolt for safety and for hunters, stay put as movement can trigger what I call the "hair trigger" response from neophyte hunters who think they know what they are doing. Mr. L.L. Bean hunter parks his butt on a stone thirty to forty feet from our blind and 10 feet off the decoy and starts doing his version of a hen call. His hen call was off the mark... low pitched and not the same frequency. I can do one myself without a box, slate or mouth call that has toms and jakes fanning their tails and calling back. I stifled a laugh watching this hunter... my boyfriend was a bit concerned that the dude might take a shot at us if he saw the decoy and then it happened. Dude saw the decoy over his shoulder (yeah, you are out alone and a really pretty tom turkey is actually stalking you due to your calls - NOT!), got up slowly and started raising his gun to shoot a piece of fabric with a pretty turkey print on it. My BF calls out a "Hey!" and I flash the inside of my camo coat which is lined with blaze orange, through the blind. The dude rapidly moved back down the hill realizing he responded to another set of hunters. Over breakfast we realized we actually called in a hunter with a "horny hen" call answered by some toms (I know the flock and there are two big toms) and jakes (future toms). And fishing today was great - trolling in a canoe I caught a pumpkin seed sunfish and a calico bass which I had never seen before. We also paddled by a mute swan nest... never assume the hen is alone... we got close enough that her mate came out of reeds to make sure we were not going to mean any harm... and found two great blue herons stalking out fishing grounds. And at 12:34 I am knowing I have to be up to go to work in a few hours.
Allegedly the seller's agent has an expert who knows how to push a short sale through. Too much coincidental stuff has happened in my life and family members' lives that I truly know divine intervention is happening.
ROFLMAO! "hunting" with four younger brothers quail hunting with high school, best friend who shot a song bird quail hunting with a farm kid, who shot the quail flying over my head Memo: hunt only with blood kin countless encounters with well armed, idiots A good hunt, you come back safe after spending hours out doors. Bob Wilson
I had fun in the blind... very exciting to hear three real gobblers calling to our hen calls... while no shots were fired it is always a good day in the field... or on water fishing.