I need to start grill blocking. Well, in September. I live in the south and it should stay above 70's now. I am getting at least 60mpg these days, now that the temperature is above 70. I am aiming for that magical 65mpg - 70mpg I keep hearing you guys talk about. I only hit 67mpg once going to work (13 mile or 18 mile commute, depending on which way I take).
Our Spring chickened out and Winter came back for a few days... now it's warming up again and I'm managing anything from 60 to 80 on my daily drives.
Yep...since it's warming up again and forecast to be in the 80's for a few days (might even hit 90 this weekend...gasp!), I will likely unblock my top grill. I keep my 'c' in the garage so even though night-time temps still dip into the 50's and 60's, the garage temp is warm enough now, so the ICE doesn't run for very long in the morning when I leave for work. This morning, I managed 70.7 MPG on the way in and 57.7 MPG on the way back...63.3 MPG round-trip average, which is better than what I normally get.
So much better lately! The outside temps around here are now I'm the 60s and I'm easily averaging mid 50s now. Even on the freeway.
Hi Big3Al...to figure out what your true MPG is for those high MPG trips, you'll need to note the mileage and MPG at the start of the trip, as well as the ending mileage and MPG, by using one of the trip meters (A or B) to track tank mileage and MPG. Say for example, Trip A shows 100 mi and 60 MPG in the morning before my drive into work. I drive 10 mi and once I get there, I note Trip A now shows 110 mi and 70 MPG, but the current trip MPG shows 99.9 MPG (this is what is displayed next to the odometer and when the car is turned off). To get the true MPG for that 10 mi trip into work, I divide the 10 mi I drove by the difference of the mileage/MPG reported by Trip A at start of trip from the mileage/MPG reported by Trip A at the end of the trip...10 mi/(100 mi/60 MPG)-(110 mi/70 MPG) = 105 MPG.
If the c has a trip summary screen like the 2012-2013 Prius does then you can use the fuel cost along with the miles driven to come out with a mpg estimate. If the c doesn't offer this then I apologize. In the example picture below, I was able to estimate my mpg at 109mpg because I knew what I had entered for average fuel cost in my setup screen. If the c has a similar summary screen you can perform the same calculations to determine mpg over 99.9.
UltraGauge FAQ 2nd one: "What's involved in installing UltraGauge?" There are alternatives that can be cheaper or more expensive: Prius OBDII Third-Party Apps | PriusChat Plus the Scangauge, which is the most expensive. Cheapest is an Android device you already own + a $15 OBDII bluetooth adapter from Amazon/Ebay + the Torque app (free version, $5 for the much nicer pro version). Custom stats unique to the Prius C can be added to it: Prius C Custom PIDs | PriusChat
If I remember correctly it is: Trip Fuel cost / price per gallon = gallons used Miles driven / gallons used = mpg This assumes you know what you input for price per gallon on your display set up.
Given: fuel cost, miles driven Want: mpg (all are "from start") Gallons used = fuel cost/price of gas you have set mpg = miles driven / gallons used. F8L beat me to it
. I guess I'm having a "Senior Moment", could you please give me the actual numbers you used in your calculation. Thanks again, Al .