Yeah, we actually have added an extra strand at the very top, and that has seemed to do the trick lately. Plus I generally plant extra to account for deer and rabbit shrinkage! Oh, I just read where you thought they could only jump 3 feet! Maybe that is reindeer (they always look so small)! Sure would be handy if that were true! Yep, they can jump 8+ feet, including, like I said, our 9 footer on occasion. It is very imressive, but I am always waiting for them to jump into the side of the car as I head down our driveway through the woods!
I agree with you wholeheartedly. My daughter is in Italy now. They live incredibly full and wonderful lives with lots of walking, trains and small cars. My daughter is is a nice size 6-8 but over there she has difficulty finding clothes to fit her (by Itlalian Standards) larrger body! I know walking is not feasible everywhere but how many times do folks circle the parking lot looking for that closest space, even at the gym I go to!!
Zacher, I hope you don't think I'm putting barbed wire around my house! I was confused if you understood that I was talking about my dad's plant (facility) in Alsip, IL. Do you have barbed wire it at your house? :huh:
Well, yes and no. The garden fence itself is not barbed, but there is a strand of barbed that runs along the base at ground level to discourage diggers.