Fuel mileage and when to fill up

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Noleman, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. Noleman

    Noleman New Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Tallahassee, FL
    Just purchased car this month, still learning how to drive but having erratic results. Took trip this weekend of 590 miles and tested the car and got the following results by the MFD:
    @55 mph for 50 miles Temp mid 30's moderate rolling hills 50.8 mpg
    @65 mph for 50 miles temp slightly colder 45 mpg
    @70 mph for 50 miles temp 40's 46.6 mpg
    @75 mph for 50 miles temp 50's 44.5 mpg
    @ 80 mph for 40 miles temp 60's 38.5 mpg

    used cruise control for all tests, only driver in car with 50lbs of luggage.

    January stats:
    1st tank 7.46 gal - 350 tank and total miles - $18.05 $2.42/gal
    MFD mpg 46.6 actual 43.4
    2nd tank 4.6 gal - 329 tank miles 679 total - $11.40 $2.48/gal
    MFD mpg 47.3 actual 69.26 (no way this was accurate but that was all the gas the tank would take)
    3rd tank 9.1 gal - 247.7 tank miles 926 Total Miles MFD mpg 46.5 actual 27.22 ( this balanced out the last tank)

    total mpg since purchase of car 43.4 over 926 miles.

    I thought you had to fill the tank when two bars were still showing but this seems to cause erratic results that balance out after two fill ups. Looking for suggestions.

    Noleman :(
  2. km5er

    km5er New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    I have had my car for about 3 weeks now and 2800 miles. First week I was getting 48, second week about the same. This past week I am easily getting 50.5. My driving is around 70 to 75. Seems that for some reason the milage is getting a little better. It may be that I am changing my driving habits. I did a stretch along I55 in Louisiana where I was able to get 63mpg for at least 30 miles doing 65.

    Before I got this car I said if I could get 48mpg doing 70mph I would be happy. I am even more than happy. I went from a truck spending 15 to 17$ per day to a car where I am spending $25 per week. The money was not the part I hated. I hated having to take the time to fill up the truck two to three times a week. Now I fill up once a week. This is one great car!
  3. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Very good information. FWIW, there is no real time when you have to fill the tank. I generally fill when only 2 bars are left (did that tonight), but if you want to wait until one bar, OK. If it's flashing, fill up QUICK. :)

    As I understand it (at least with the '04-'05 models) is that you should wait until 3 bars are gone before you fill up again and that's to allow it to automatically reset the mileage and the mpg.