So I have a bewildering problem with the Smart Key, which doesn't seem to match the problems I've found by searching. My smart key fob (bought the car used, and only have one) is not working properly. In the last few days, I have unlocked the doors using the keyless thing on the driver's side door handle only once (of dozens of attempts). I figured the battery must be dying and replaced it, but have met the same issues with a fresh key fob battery. The door lock button on the exterior handle also no longer functions, and I have to plug the fob into the dash to get the car to turn on (although this is also becoming a subject of my suspicion, because with the fob plugged in it often takes multiple attempts with the power button to start the car). I checked the battery via the MFD diagnostic tool and it was fine. Also, the Smart Key System is enabled (I checked the switch/button on the steering column, and even cycled it off and back on again). I'm wondering what could be the problem? Ideally, it would be something I could both diagnose and fix myself, but after locking my smart key fob in the car today because of this problem, I'm close to taking it in to a dealer. Thank you for your time.
A couple things. What is "fine" when you tested the aux battery? We need 3 numbers in volts. The first when the car is off and has been sitting for a while (like overnight), the second with the car headlights on and defrost but not in READY, and the third when in READY. If you locked the key in the car, then the SKS system is not detecting the key. That is impossible to do with the key being detected. Either the fob battery is low, the fob signal strength is low (is it in a purse?), or your car battery is low. Could be the SKS button under the dash, but you said you tried that. You know one of the buttons is the TPMS system, not the SKS system correct? Just making sure you hit the right button and didn't accidentally set the pressure warning limits on your tires...
A new fob battery is not necessarily a good fob battery. There have been reports of getting duds. With Prius electrical problems always suspect batteries until proven impossible...with voltage tests.
Your post was actually helpful in the most unexpected of ways. Something really threw me off - you mentioned three buttons, and I recalled only one button clearly marked "key." Which lead to my realization that something's not right with my car. Attached are pictures of the steering column which I just took. (JimN, I purchased the car in January. The battery might be original, but I suspect not - the load value for the battery was 11.8 to 12.0 with headlights (and foglights) and defroster on. I didn't write down the READY voltage because I was interrupted by my discovery. Anyway, the wires from the KEY button are cut, and when the two were shorting together under the steering column, the smart key system was deactivated. For now, I think I've isolated them from shorting together, but I'm wondering where to go from here?