I came to this thread from the 200K Miles, ONE Prius, ONE Owner thread. Thanks for the updates on Ema, and congratulations on passing the 300K mark, CBarr31. I have a '97 Camry that's creeping up on 200K (I'm the second owner, but I got it in 2001 at 44K miles, so most of the mileage is mine). I can only hope my Little Red, an '09 Prius, will last as long and as well as Ema.
It has been a long time since I updated this thread for anyone watching it or wondering about Ema. Not an excuse but most of my posting has been done regarding "Oil Burning" over the past few months specifically in these 2 threads: 2008 Prius - burning oil at 135,000 miles | PriusChat Burning oil at same rate regardless of oil thickness --- What does it tell us? | PriusChat Well, I am happy to report that as of this morning Ema passed her 2014 inspection/emissions so I have another year to put on 40,000 - 50,000 more miles while I keep feeding her oil. She is currently at 367,000 miles. I looked through my maintenance notes and realized I have done almost nothing to her except oil changes since 300,000 miles. There was an ATF WS refill at 350,000 and a serpentine belt replacement but that was about it. Ohhh I had to replace one tire because I hit a giant piece on metal on I-94 in Chicago and busted a belt but that's it. <knock on wood> The oil burning has improved significantly and I should be able to push to 400,000 miles before any other major issues <knock on wood>. So I'm hoping sometime early 2015 you should be seeing a "400K, One Prius/One Owner" popping up on here. Happy driving, Chris
I'll be joining you shortly in the 300K club, Chris. My 2008 has 280k now (I bought new Valentines Day 2008). Brakes are about ready for a 2nd replacement. I have replaced each headlight once. Both front wheel bearings and one of the Water pumps. I am still on the original batteries. No problems on charges. I am in Northern Wisconsin and I drive 800+ miles per week. Goodyear Comfort Tred tires get through the snow just fine. I am not burning any oil. I switched to Mobil 1 after the first oil change at 1500 miles. I expect to run this into the ground too. When It waned up last week I was getting 50+ again. in the -30 degree and record snowy weather this winter threw at us it was more like 42 mpg. Thanks for the Ema diary! You have kept better records than I have. Regards, Eric
Hi Chris! PC n00b here (LOOOONNG time lurker): I noticed that the OD on your member avatar is at 400k (CONGRATS!) and I've been wondering if you've done anything more, since you last updated. I'm recording the maintenance intervals down into a checklist (after successfully cleaning the MAF sensor, throttle body, and changing the cabin & engine filters) and I've just been curious. You guys are so wonderful and super helpful I've got a 2007 in blue with (probably - thanks combometer recall) 120k miles on it (actual reading is 112k)
Myst, Here is the link to the 400K Miles One Prius/One Owner thread: 400K Miles, One Prius/One Owner | PriusChat Enjoy, Chris
Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. I only drive 10-12k miles a year so it would take me 40 years to see that kind of miles, ha. I don't think I'll keep the Prius around that long. iPad ?