Just got this in and thought I'd share some pics. Very similar to the wheel Garm posted in the other thread. Will post up some installed pics once I find some time. Still have too many other modifications lined up.
Great. Let us see it installed when you have time. I am working with Garm on mine. I really like the idea of a nice wheel. Always had one in prior vehicles. Dan
Weird how all my iPhone pics are sideways... Anyways, the install is really easy and straight forward. However, I've done several steering wheels installs in the past. Took me about 30 minutes and most of it was scrambling into my trunk (locked) and getting the stock tire iron. It's a great tool to get the 19mm nut off the steering column. If anybody needs help, let me know.
Oh, expect to redo your settings in the display, clock, and radio when u remove the negative on the battery.
Weird how all my iPhone pics are sideways Ithought it was just my iphone 5! Does this mean we need to hold the phone sideways when taking pics??
I took these pics with it being vertical. It shows up fine on my iPad and iPhone but its sideways on my laptop. So odd...
You can rotate them on your laptop... and if you owned an Android you could rotate them on your phone before the transfer as well...
One of my first discoveries upon owning my entry level base Prius 2, was how much I disliked the plastic steering wheel. I just installed a wheelskin cover. It helps feel quite a bit. Nice leather touch now. However, with the wide spokes of a Prius wheel it's almost impossible to get a "perfect" install. The look is "passable" but not great. Looking at this wheel? I kind of regret that instead of investing $50, into the cover, perhaps I should of invested $200, into the whole new wheel. That's a beautiful wheel. The only thing, is I think I would like the layout to actually be reversed. That is leather on the top and bottom, and black piano on the sides. I usually hold the wheel in the classic 10 and 2 position, and I'd rather be touching leather than smoothness. But that is absolutely a beautiful steering wheel. I've been spending too much money lately. So I'll just live with the wheelskin for now. But this is definitely a think about and maybe someday upgrade I would like to make.
The iPhone can finally do that too. After like... 4-5 years lol. No idea what is causing it to be like that. Views fine on mobile devices but doesn't sit right on the laptop. I prefer to just upload directly to priuschat via the phone. That way I don't have to plug in a cord, transfer file, then upload. "Cloud" is the way to go for me.
Well on that wheel, it looks like leather at about 10:30 and 2:30. I really like the looks of that wheel. I still think I'd like the coverage on it reversed. Just saw your wheel at your post. That's a nice wheel as well. The installation of the wheelskin on my wheel was so hellish, I'm just going to enjoy it for a while. May not look as sharp, but now that it is on, it is nice leather coverage.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it for a good long time! (I just noticed mine is leather all around, the top and bottom inserts included, that's why 10 and 2 works on that one.)
Can you share picture? And where you got yours? I just priced a leather wheel replacement from my Toyota dealer and it was over $700 (the listing said leather, but my guess was it really was softex) part # 45100-47150-00