Bad day for my PiP. This afternoon someone runs a red light in front of my shop, a Nissan Versa gets clipped and rolls several times before landing in our parking lot. The Versa hit my co workers Jeep so hard it pushed it sideways almost 6 feet before hammering my car. My car is less than 6 months old. I've never been in an accident and now my car is pretty well torn up while it was parked. It's going to a body shop tomorrow. I'm thinking its pretty significant damage especially since the rear quarter panel doesn't look replaceable. Here are some pics.
The driver of the Versa was responsive and went to the hospital. When they rolled her car back on its wheels items fell out of her car including a ticket for running a red light 3 days earlier !!! I'm hoping for a total. I've owned 15 cars and never had even a dent before this. I had just completely detailed the Prius last week.
Should revoke the license. There should be enough points? Was she using cell phone txt msg or something?
My insurance covers a rental car so I'm considering either a Prius or maybe a Rav4 EV to try out until we find out how bad this is going to be.
Think of the amount of energy that got transferred, crazy! What's with the PiP accident posts, starting to get worried now :/
Apparently, there's a wiring defect in some Prius Plug-ins which causes the enormous battery to energize the vehicle frame into a gigantic electromagnet, which causes other cars to fly into the Prius.
Wow, sorry to hear about that. I hope they total it out as I know myself, I would not want a car after having to have that much body work done to it.
The door can be replaced, but the rest of the damaged area is part of the unibody. Do they cut those sections out and weld a replacement section in?