Where can I go to get a copy of the factory service manual for the Prius C? All I've found so far is the TIS, which is a $400/yr subscription giving access to every Toyota manual ever... a bit of overkill.
Just buy the 2 day subscription, it's about $15 bucks or so! Then just download EVERY pdf you need! I did, used a double sided color printer, now I have a nice book!
Any need for the Professional Diagnostic one for $55? (Techstream Scantool Software, ECU Calibrations, Identifix Direct-Hit.)
Small detail, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!! Pay the $15, download, print what you need, store the rest on a disk till you need that bit. But sorry, as a person who works in Hollywood, I kinda got to take a stand on that topic. My employer decides there is no money in making a product that is copied and freely distributed, then why bother, close the sound stages on lot, I lose my job! It's only $15 bucks ......
Kinko's can print PDF's, and on two sided color..... There are other providers, Google "printing services (your Zip Code Here)"
The problem is copyright infrigement, Toyota being the owner. If you download for yourself thats different from downloading and distributing whether there is a profit or not. Thats the reason you cannot frerely legally download songs.