OK, here in the Puget Sound area it seems every time I pass a fellow Prius driver, it is a female in the 50+ age bracket. Surely this must be an anomaly, I'm not the only 30-something male Prius owner, right?
While some folks become more sensible with age, (not me, mind you) I would think you would find sensible driver's in every age bracket.
Yes in my area,South Bay of CA,drivers whom deiving a Prius were almost middle aged and up. I'm 60+. But still have a young hesrt and mood. Haha..
Nope. I'm in my late 30s and male. I also lived in the Puget Sound area for ~9 years. I had my Prius there for ~1.5 years and moved back from there in mid-2011. I bought my Prius new in 06 when I lived in the Bay Area. One of my former coworkers has a '13 Prius now. He's a male gadget-guy and I think in his late 40s. The wife of one of my friends is in her late 30s (IIRC) and drives a Prius. Another female friend of mine in her mid-30s drives a Prius.
Upper 50's here, male. Primary transportation now, sold off all other vehicles. Retired, just the two of us. She belongs to the wife, I just drive it and maintain it. My wife's vision went to pot, so I am also a chauffer. See all kinds of driver's here in Texas driving Prius. Some drive moderately, other's drive pedal to the metal.
This isn't well known but I will share it with you since this is causing you some stress. It is a fact that there are a large number of young male Prius owners who disguise themselves as mature women before they drive their cars. You would be well advised to not disturb them when they are doing this as they have attacked several people with their purses. The Puget Sound seems to be a hotbed for this type of activity. Not to worry- Toyota has been notified.
i'm male, 58 and i would say that 'most' of the prius drivers i see are female and probably were at the haight during the summer of love or at least woodstock in 69.
I was noticing the same thing in my city , Cleveland. I'm a 30's guy also and am really proud of my Prius. I usually anticipate an exchange of some sort from a passing Prius. No such case, it's usually a female that is very focused on the road. I was thinking there would be more camaraderie on the streets when I got my Toyota.
OK that means Prius are driven by all age,both gender. Everybody enjoy the driving pleasure and it's high tech. That's why Prius has sold 5 million in the world.
Ha, I'm with you on this one. Other ride is a motorcycle where there is major camaraderie, you almost always signal a passing bike. Not so with Prius! But still a wonderful car.
I agree, most biker's respect and acknowledge one another. You don't see that with other form's of transportation most of the time. I rode until I could not hold my bike up any longer. Cried the day I watched it being trailered off to the next owner.
I see all age groups. Some wave. Had a blue GenII pull up next to me in the left lane of the interstate one time. I avoided eye contact for a couple seconds, but when it was clear they were maintaining speed with me I peeked over there and got a spirited wave from a young woman. Then she drove off ahead. That was special.
I love polls like this because they let me pretend to be younger than I am. It's great to be able to check a box labeled 60+ when you're a few months short of 80. I've been driving since 1950 and my 2007 Prius is the best car I've very owned.
Not alone. Mid 30's here. We have two. I agree that there are a lot of older folks driving these cars, but I also see a huge range. My daughter (almost 7 now) will be driving mine in 9 years. I get (and give) friendly smiles rom fellow Prii owners as think there is some sort of special connection. People who own these cars understand.