I find myself faced with replacing the inner liner on the LF fender due to damage. It looks like a straightforward job remove the wheel and all the clips and pins etc holding it in place. Is there something else I am NOT seeing before I order the liner? How did it get damaged? Well somehow the horizontal 'tongue' that fits under where the fog light is got out of place and the air pressure pushed it downward. When I was going down the highway I heard an odd noise, it was that piece being ground off on the highway! I was hoping that the piece was separate but of course it's part of the whole liner. I have found that the asphalt makes a really good grinder, it not a little large for daily use. Really it doesn't actually NEED it, I have it patched and you can't see it, but I know it's there and just want it right. Thanks, ES44AC
Sorry to hear about that. There are some funky plastic screw like pins right in the well that I managed to mess up removing. It is a twist 1/4 turn and remove. I unscrewed it like a regular screw. Also, IIRC, there are a couple metal screws in there too. Just take your time.
Hi Spidey, Thanks for the tips. Some of these fasteners if you don't encounter them every day or at least have used one, you can be hard pressed to get them off w/o ruining them. Maybe I will get all the fasteners needed and if I don't use them just take 'em back. Cheers, ES44AC
To Spidermans comment on the funky plastic screw. Yes, do not try and unscrew it like a normal one. I broke one of mine also trying to remove it like a normal screw. It only requires a 1/4 to 1/2 turn to "unlock" it. Once you unlock it you just pop it out, it won't work it's way out like a normal screw since it's not threaded. I know how you feel with knowing something is not right and needing to replace it. Most if not all the stuff I've replaced on my car were all minor cosmetic issues that I've replaced just because it bugged me.
Hiya peterjmc, Yes I know it's anal to worry about something that you can't see and is fine the way it is IE: patched. But this sort of stuff keeps me awake at night worrying for no reason. It comes form too many years of working on very high end foreign sport and luxury cars. I became like the people I was doing the work for.... overly sensitive to every squeak rattle, noise vibration etc! That's why I always enjoy riding in someone else's car! I can sit there and ride and diagnose everything going on and just IGNORE IT LOL!! I always end up getting my cars as perfect as I can and then like a dolt I sell them only to start over. Hopefully the Prius will be the last one for a very long time. Nice to know I am not alone in fixing the niggling things others wouldn't even notice! Cheers ES44AC
Got it done and all OK.........but those darned fasteners at the bottom rear of the wheel well, where my mudflaps are are a bugger. I wish I had gotten extras of those things they are all but impossible to get out!! ~ I muddled though but just barely! Now on to something else. Thanks guys, ES44AC