This car has more storage than I know what to do with. I just bumped the front cd holder (whatever it's called) with my knee the other day, and bam! found a new spot to put stuff. But I can't figure out a clean place to put my change. I'm sure someone must have a creative solution out there. Maybe there's a storage bin that would fit...?
That's too funny.... I hit Wendy's on the way home and was just coming here to ask that very same question. My little pile of change is currently on the shelf in the center console, looking for a better home, as none of the secret hiding places in the console seemed appropriate. I'll start looking at doors tomorrow -Ken
well this is a problem that has existed with all the NA Prius. So what I did was hit a dollar store and found a change holder. As this was for Canadian coinage I took my hacksaw and cut the bottom half off so it only holds pennies nickels dimes and quarters. Put a piece of double sided sticky foam on it and stuck it inside the front of the center console. What's in it? a quarter for the shopping cart at the grocery store. Mine doesn't have one I keep change in my pocket.
Right now I have an old fashion belt change maker. It is OK but I am going to this: I don't need the capacity of the change maker, and getting it out and using it is a bit of a pain. Not one of my best ideas. I had used a plastic change counter but that was difficult to get change out of. What I want is a place to put a bit of change. I am still looking for a solution.
Actually, I use a plastic 35mm film canister. Keeps enough change so I typically have enough change when needed, and when not, the change provided does not overwhelm it. Do you actually wear the belt change maker? Man, I've not seen one of those since I was a kid!
I started with that clear door storage area under the stereo but am currently in the tray in the center console. I keep my swiffer and tire gauge in the bottom glove with the the manuals and a CD case. I keep my wine tasting kit (can/bottle opener, knife, etc) in the drawer under the center console....took me like 6 weeks of ownership before I found that one, a little less for waht has been termed the wine cooler hole in the back drivers side. And as far as the trunk tray....well a small child, several bottles of wine, half of the wardrobe.... You could easily live out of this car!!
I have been trying to figure this out too! My old Honda had a great pull out change spot to the left of the steering wheel. I am thinking about getting a small coin purse to put in the compartment below the radio. To me, the center console is waay too cumbersome to use while maneuvering at toll booths or drive throughs. If anybody comes up with something better that would be great!
No it sit in the slot on the door with a cover over it so no one will see it and break in for the chage. I had in the past kept change in the ashtray and it was often half full of mainly pennies, but also a few dimes, nickels, and quarters. Some one broke the window stole the ashtray and cost me more than in the window, ashtry (that I finnaly replaced when I sold the car) than was in the ashtray. Out of site out of mind. BTW do you want the web site where you can get one?
I just use the tray in the center console. No change rattle and it holds a fair number of coins. On the otherhand, I don't use my change a lot so maybe this would get tedious if I had a lot of toll boths to go through.
The "wine cooler hole in the back drivers side"? Please give instructions to those of us who haven't found it yet.
That's the small compartment next to the cover for the storage compartment above the spare. I bet if you fill it with styro peanuts it would keep a bottle of wine cool for quite awhile. I use a heavy duty zip lock bag in the hidden center console drawer. The one that opens toward the dash.
Yes, there has been wine in that little spot on a couple of occaisons. You can totally use a soft blue ice and fit in two bottles as well. I thought that the only storage back there was the large plastic tub over the spare tire (also can hold a crapload of bottles which is bad when you are on a taste and buy mission...I forgot I had all those bottles under there and still bought 3 more cases along the way....Party Time!!) Such a versatile little car!!
Me too. My Subaru had a convenient coin holder built into the center console. It would hold about $4 of mixed coins vertically and silently (no coins bouncing around on rough roads). And just to help they also added a driverside popdown holder for more coins with a money clip in it. Funny how these little touches add up. Currently, my change is sitting loose in the center console tray. It would be great to come up with a neater solution.
I use the front cupholder (the one with the damped cover). There's a JDM "centre console organizer" that has a coin holder, card holder and pen tray as well as a somewhat deep place for other items. It fits on the 06 and should fit on the 04-05. Note that it's deeper than the tray we have to CDs might not fit.