And with a few conveniently located road-side particle accelerators this could be a convenient way to power cars!
Hopefully the US will be there too by the time we have developed commercially viable fusion reactors.
Well, most nuclear reactors have a smaller radioactive footprint that coal fired power plants. That is, until something goes horribly wrong.
The US government is already working on the press releases about how the Helium thing won't work, etc, and why the US is justified in sitting on its environmental butt. As soon as they get the names of the scientists involved in this, they'll begin some character assassinations and cancel all speaking tours in the US. A little delusional megalomania goes a long way, right George?
As of just getting more He3 makes fusion energy straightforward... "Fusion is the energy source of the future, and always will be" "We've been just twenty years away from using fusion energy every decade since 1960"