Well had my 2012 Prius C for about 45 days and - snowing in April in Minnesota - a lady in a Ford Expedition slid across the center line and hit me. She got out, spoke to her passenger in Spanish, and drove off. I wasn't quick enough to get the plate. Next time I'll be quicker with the phone camera. Good amount of damage, but not totalled.... estimate is pending, but shop said the damage to components is "minimal" yet exterior is in rough shape on the front quarter. I know I'm being a little b***h about it, but when your car has under 1k miles on it, it's annoying to think it will "never be the same." Who knows if the shop will get the wheel back how it was with regen braking, etc., if they will get all the synergy drive compenents right, etc. Sure the $500 deductible is a pain, but I'd pay that gladly to have my new car back PRE-accident. Almost want to trade it (damn value deduction for my now-unclean carfax...) for a 2013 Prius (non-C maybe?) given it's worth pretty darn close what I paid after the discount for buying a 2012 instead of 2013. Or, maybe I won't know the difference after repairs and I can just suck it up. Okay, rant over, thanks for listening.
They got it 45 days ago... the accident happened this month. Sorry to hear this aviator777... it sucks but what can you do? Glad to hear no-one was hurt.
Well the exterior panels are usually designed to take the hit anyway so I wouldn't worry about the outside. I'd worry about the internals which the shop said was minimal. It sucks when it happens when it's new (our 2000 Corolla was hit within a month after driving it off the lot. The SUV driver was on the phone when he was backing out of the pump station at the gas station).
If you haven't paid your deductible yet, negotiate with them. the auto shops always waive deductibles for you if it's a big repair. I work for an insurance company so I see it happen all the time. Especially if your insurance agency has a shop they refer to all the time!
Wow! The audacity of getting out of the vehicle and getting back in then driving off! Did you still try to contact the police? Or any witnesses? And I believe regenerative braking doesn't involve the wheels, but rather uses the motor to brake.
I was doing 65 mph and got Hit by someone doing much more. $10,000 in rear end damage. Hit & Run drivers suck!
It's so young. Only a little over a month old. It took my last car 2 years before anything happened to it. The driver was on the phone
sorry for the damage but your rim looks great. what are they? is it the stock cap with paint or after market rim? SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
I'm taking it to the shop on Monday. Over $1,500 in damage. It still drives well as the hit was under 25 mph and there is not much apparent damage due to the foam shock absorber Still, they are going to replace that, the bumper, one of the head light lamps, and possibly the hood. Of course, any other damage they "might" find. Might be without it for a full week