I have not been out today, but yesterday Kokomo, IN was $3.29-$3.33 while the NE area of Indy was $3.39-$3.45. It was strange that one gas station between the two towns was $3.88!
The gas I use "CNG" is about a dollar pumped at home and around two dollars at most pumping station in California. It's clean, there is a 100+ year supply, it keeps money here and could employ many if'n we'd just invest. The infrastructure is in place, the technology is available off the shelf but for some reason we continue wasting billions on Electric Powered Vehicles and solar panels.
It's A$ 1.42 a litre here now. That works out to US$ 1.49 per litre / US$ 5.64 for a US gallon. So, not as expensive as Grumpy Cabbie's petrol, but we do pay a lot more than the Americans. And it fluctuates wildly - it was A$ 1.24 last week. Indeed. You Americans get cheap petrol because BP kindly delivers crude directly to your beaches. And all you do is complain. In China, most of the taxis (Hyundai Sonatas in Beijing and VW Santanas in Shanghai) run on CNG or LPG. And in Australia, most of our taxis (Ford Falcons and Holden Commodores) run on LPG, which I think is pretty much the same as CNG, and is half the price of petrol here. I went to Japan on holiday at Christmas, and loads of the taxis were CNG MkII Priuses. I suspect they'd be just about the cheapest-to-run cars you could possibly have.
Honda Civic sells a CNG car in California. It never was widely accepted here. CNG is very common for fleet use, city buses, UPS deliveries, etc.
Haven't purchased gas in six weeks and I still have a full tank. Glad to see lower fuel prices. It's good for consumers and the world economy. What's up with gold? Down two hundred dollars an ounce in less than a week.
Although I've heard of people refueling CNG cars at home via Phill, I'd heard that Honda no longer recommends that. 2012 Honda Civic - Frequently Asked Questions - Official Honda Website says 2012 Honda Civic Natural Gas Test – Review – Car and Driver from a year ago says it's available in 36 states now. As for gas prices in my area, I saw gas at an expensive station earlier today at $3.99/gal for regular and $3.79 at a cheaper one. You sure about Beijing taxis being Hyundai Sonatas? I went in 08 and they were mostly Elantras. Correct on the VW Santanas in Shanghai. Yeah, it seems that many run on LPG, at least in Shanghai.
So it's deadly dangerous to charge an electric car at home as it will undoubtedly set fire to your house, but it's ok to plug in your car to your home natural gas supply? Hmmm
The CNG tank is around 11.5 to 12.5 gallons. If you fast fill at a high pressure pump, mostly commercial outlets, I can get around 11-12 gallons. At home, slow fill, I can fill it all the way up. The best I've gotten was after a fast fill when I went 225 miles before switch over to regular gas. I have around 750 miles range between CNG 12.5 gal and reg. gas right at 30 gal. My bladder would never last that long! CNG fueled vehicles are much safer than reg gas cars. The flash point is higher, the gas is lighter than air and disperses quickly and the high pressure tank is virtually bullet proof. THat said check this out . . .
Yep, or slightly more since it was a high pressure fill and wasn't completely full. BTW it's not Propane, I believe Propane is a refined product of Natural Gas and also more expensive. Natural Gas pretty much comes direct from the well, through a standard(?) filter, dried in some cases then pumped under pressure into your tank. That's why it's so cheap, no refining, in fact you could probably pump it from most well heads you see in the oil fields. My pump, Phill, has a drying cycle it puts the NG through if it detects that too much moisture is present.
I'm glad someone is paying attention (and it's not me). Yes, I should have said Elantras. There are lots of Sonatas in Hangzhou. Those old-shape Hyundais (from before they suddenly became all swoopy and cool) all look the same to me. They're still making the old Elantras as taxis in Beijing.