It's specifically listed as a plug-in. I had the guts of the estimate ready to post this morning, but then my phone rang. The guy who hit me has bare minimum coverage, and his limits won't cover the total expense of the damages. I'll be filing through my insurance co, paying my deductibles, and after it's all over probably filing a lawsuit to recover the rest.
Sorry to hear that Wick1ert. Hope to hear that the other party does the right thing and makes up the difference in your out of pocket, without the suit, but I won't be holding my breath.
This must be your first accident. Property damage is completely covered by your insurance company. You pay your deductible to get the repairs done quickly. Then your insurance company takes care of the rest. If they determine the other party is at least 51% at fault, your insurance company will reimburse you for the deductible. You'd only have to sue the other guy if you didn't have full coverage or had uninsured/under insured medical coverage.
This is different, state by state. Michigan, for example, is a draconian no-fault state. The most I can ever recover from the other party is my collision deductible and to recover that I have to file a "mini-tort" to sue for it.
I do have some uninsured/under insured, which would cover my property damage and my PIP will cover my medical expenses. However, I'm still out my deductibles and potentially rental vehicle (apparently I never opted for this coverage before). The minimal liability in DE is $10k. Depending upon how much of my deductibles comes back really depends upon whether it's worth the hassle/effort to recouping any funds. Once all the claims are submitted, it's up to their insurance as to how they pay those out. As I mentioned, the fact I was able to physically walk away under my own power and wasn't carted off, air lifted out, etc, is the good thing (no one was taken off, though). I believe the most I can recover is any out of pocket expenses and possibly diminshed value that occurred as part of the accident. I'm not the type to go after them for everything possible. I just want to be made whole and move on.
This may vary by state and insurance company, but in an accident I had several years ago, the deductible was a non-issue. The insurance company (USAA) sued the guilty party for the loss, including the deductible, I did not have any out-of-pocket expenses.
wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. Absolutely not fair that someone else can just barge in to your life like that, and cause this type of stress. Thankfully, it's 'just' a car, and you are ok, but damn, that really does bite
Here's the list of components that need replacing, per the initial estimate by the adjuster. Sorry for the length and non-formatting. It was provided to me as a PDF and I copied the info over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO. OP. DESCRIPTION QTY EXT. PRICE LABOR PAINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRONT BUMPER & GRILLE 2 O/H FRONT BUMPER 2.8 3 REPL BUMPER COVER W/O LED H'LAMP 1 259.19 INCL. 3.3 4 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 1.3 5 ADD FOR FOG LAMPS 0.3 1 04/22/2013 AT 10:26 AM HQK0156001 100362 25FU0KZ8 ESTIMATE OF RECORD 2013 TOYO PRIUS PLUG IN 4-1.8L-G/ 4D H/B GRAY INT:GRAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO. OP. DESCRIPTION QTY EXT. PRICE LABOR PAINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 REPL PREP UNPRIMED BUMPER 1 0.8 7 REPL ENERGY ABSORBER 1 54.42 INCL. 8 REPL REINF BEAM (ALU) 1 255.15 INCL. 9 REPL LICENSE BRACKET 1 67.61 0.2 10* R&I SPOILER INCL.* 11 REPL FRONT SEAL 1 19.88 INCL. 12 R&I LOWER SHIELD INCL. 13 REPL UPPER GRILLE 1 136.20 INCL. 14 REPL LOWER GRILLE W/PLUG-IN, W/FOG 1 208.22 INCL. LAMPS SILVER 15 REPL EMBLEM W/O PRECRASH 1 48.53 INCL. 16 BLND RT TOW EYE CAP 0.1 17 BLND LT TOW EYE CAP 0.1 18 FRONT LAMPS 19 R&I RT R&I HEADLAMP ASSY 0.3 20 REPL LT HEADLAMP ASSY W/PLUG-IN 1 300.49 0.5 21 AIM HEADLAMPS 0.5 22 R&I RT TURN SIGNAL LAMP INCL. 23 R&I LT TURN SIGNAL LAMP INCL. 24 RADIATOR SUPPORT 25 REPL LT UPPER SUPPORT 1 30.65 INCL. 0.5 26 REPL UPPER TIE BAR 1 190.38 1.5 0.6 27 OVERLAP MINOR PANEL -0.2 28 REPL LT SIDE SUPPORT 1 81.97 S 2.0 0.5 29 OVERLAP MINOR PANEL -0.2 30 R&I SIGHT SHIELD INCL. 31 REPL SIDE SUPPORT BRACKET HEADLAMP 1 14.28 INCL. 32 REPL LT SIDE SEAL 1 43.18 0.1 33 REPL LT SUPPORT BRACKET 1 32.27 INCL. 34 COOLING 35 REPL RADIATOR ASSY 1 423.84 M 3.2 36** REPL A/M ANTIFREEZE 1 30.00 37* R&I FAN SHROUD M 0.8* 38 REPL INVERTER COOLER W/PLUG-IN 1 435.15 M 0.8 39 AIR CONDITIONER & HEATER 40 REPL CONDENSER 1 741.72 M 0.9 41 EVACUATE & RECHARGE M 1.4 42 REFRIGERANT RECOVERY M 0.4 43 DEDUCT FOR OVERLAP -0.6 44** REPL A/M R134A FREON - 1LB. AUTO 1 20.00 TRANS FLUID - QT 45 HOOD 46 REPL RT HINGE 1 31.38 0.2 0.4 47 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.1 48 REPL LT HINGE 1 31.38 0.2 0.4 49 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.1 50 FENDER 51 REPL LT FENDER 1 225.42 2.3 2.0 2 04/22/2013 AT 10:26 AM HQK0156001 100362 25FU0KZ8 ESTIMATE OF RECORD 2013 TOYO PRIUS PLUG IN 4-1.8L-G/ 4D H/B GRAY INT:GRAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO. OP. DESCRIPTION QTY EXT. PRICE LABOR PAINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.8 53 ADD FOR EDGING 0.5 54 DEDUCT FOR OVERLAP -0.3 55 R&I LT FENDER LINER W/PLUG-IN INCL. 56 REPL LT NAMEPLATE "PLUG-IN HYBRID" 1 43.18 0.2 N 57* RPR RT FENDER 0.5* 1.6* 58 OVERLAP MAJOR NON-ADJ. PANEL -0.2 59* ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.4* 60 R&I RT FENDER LINER W/PLUG-IN 0.5 61* R&I RT NAMEPLATE "PLUG-IN HYBRID" 0.2* 62 ELECTRICAL 63 REPL UPPER BRACKET 1 17.58 64 R&I HIGH NOTE HORN M 0.2 65 R&I LOW NOTE HORN M 0.2 66 PILLARS, ROCKER & FLOOR 67 R&I LT ROCKER MOLDING INCL. 68 R&I LT FIXED GLASS TOYOTA 1.1 69* RPR MASK / ROPE RT FIXED GLASS * 0.3* TOYOTA * 70 FRONT DOOR 71* RPR LT OUTER PANEL 2.0* 2.0 72 OVERLAP MAJOR ADJ. PANEL -0.4 73 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.3 74 R&I LT BELT MOLDING 0.3 75 R&I LT R&I MIRROR 0.3 76 R&I LT HANDLE, OUTSIDE W/"SMART 0.4 KEY" SILVER 77 R&I LT R&I TRIM PANEL 0.5 78 QUARTER PANEL N 79* RPR LT QUARTER PANEL W/PLUG-IN 1.0* 0.5* 80 OVERLAP MAJOR NON-ADJ. PANEL -0.2 81 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 0.1 82 R&I LT VENT DUCT 0.1 83 REAR BODY & FLOOR 84* RPR REAR BODY PANEL 4.0* 1.4 85 OVERLAP MINOR PANEL -0.2 86 REAR BUMPER 87 O/H REAR BUMPER 2.2 88 REPL BUMPER COVER 1 253.77 INCL. 2.8 89 ADD FOR CLEAR COAT 1.1 90 REPL PREP UNPRIMED BUMPER 1 0.7 91 REPL ABSORBER 1 44.28 INCL. 92 REPL REINFORCE BAR (ALU) 1 262.57 INCL. 93* R&I RT SIDE SEAL INCL.* 94* R&I LT SIDE SEAL INCL.* 95* R&I RT SIDE SPOILER INCL.* 96 REPL LT SIDE SPOILER 1 40.51 INCL. 97 R&I SPOILER CENTER INCL. 3 04/22/2013 AT 10:26 AM HQK0156001 100362 25FU0KZ8 ESTIMATE OF RECORD 2013 TOYO PRIUS PLUG IN 4-1.8L-G/ 4D H/B GRAY INT:GRAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO. OP. DESCRIPTION QTY EXT. PRICE LABOR PAINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 REPL RT RETAINER 1 53.21 0.1 99 R&I LT RETAINER 0.1 100# MISC 1 101** REPL A/M CAR COVER 1 5.00 0.2 102** REPL A/M GLASS INSTALLATION KIT 1 25.00 103** REFN A/M RESTORE CORROSION 0.4 PROTECTION N 104** REPL A/M SEAM SEALER/CAULKING 1 8.00 105 OTHER CHARGES 106# HAZARDOUS WASTE 1 3.00 107# TOWING 1 265.00 108# STORAGE 4 180.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTALS ==> 4882.41 31.9 21.4 LINE 57 : PARTIAL REFINISH WITH FULL CLEAR COAT THE HOOD SCRAPED THE TOP REAR OF THE FENDER. LINE 79 : REPAIR AND REFINISH AREA WHERE REAR BODY PANEL MEETS ONLY. LINE 104: FOR WHERE THE LEFT QUARTER PANEL MEETS THE REAR BODY PANEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESTIMATE NOTES: 2013 MODEL YEAR - OEM REPLACEMENT PARTS ONLY -------------------------------- TOWING: $175.00 ADMIN FEE: $45.00 YARD FEE: $45.00 STORAGE: $45.00 PER DAY FROM 4/19 --------------------------------- PARTS 4434.41 BODY LABOR 31.9 HRS @$ 46.00/HR 1467.40 PAINT LABOR 21.4 HRS @$ 46.00/HR 984.40 PAINT SUPPLIES 21.4 HRS @$ 28.00/HR 599.20 OTHER CHARGES 448.00 ---------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL $ 7933.41 ---------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COST OF REPAIRS $ 7933.41 ADJUSTMENTS: DEDUCTIBLE 500.00 ---------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS $ 500.00 NET COST OF REPAIRS $ 7433.41 4 04/22/2013 AT 10:26 AM HQK0156001 100362 25FU0KZ8 ESTIMATE OF RECORD 2013 TOYO PRIUS PLUG IN 4-1.8L-G/ 4D H/B GRAY INT:GRAY