Hi folks. As the title states I am surprised that I bought one. My friends are still giving me a hard time about my purchase. I wanted a hatchback and I was open to all makes. I drove them all and found the PC made the most sense. The Prius was the only car that came close to the EPA mpg figures. I also found it was quieter then most other regarding road noise. I have put about 300 miles on the car so far. At at half tank I filled up with 4.8 gallons with 220 miles. Hand calculated a solid 45 mpg. Most of that was on hilly mountain roads. Am I happy so far? Yes!
I always knew I would buy one, it just took me almost ten years to do it. (picked one up Saturday) You get alot of technology for the money! And of course awesome fuel economy!
I did not 'know' I would buy a Prius, I knew I would buy a hybrid. I was holding out for a Saturn Vue two mode hybrid, a car that was never sold from a company that no longer exists. Good thing I listened to my wife.
I was the same way; then the time came for a new car and so did almost $4.00 a gallon gas. I started thinking “what about a hybrid?” I thought about the Prius and the Ford Fusion. Test drove the Prius first and loved it, so here I am. It’s a great car, be sure to read the manual; there is a lot to learn. Also check out all the information here at PC; it will explain more about the technology of how the car works and give you all kinds of great info on how to properly care for your Prius so you can get the most out of it. Don’t worry about the friends giving you a hard time, once they have ridden in it, most will change their tune. Congratulations and welcome.
That's part of what makes ownership rewarding. You don't have to say a word. Just let them silently observe. They end up surprising themselves, not really how many incorrect assumption they made along the way.
Yeah congrats. my co workers are making fun of me too. When they call me prius man, I tell them to call me Eco man. SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
My Dad asked me if I was a liberal hippie now, Brother asked if I was a tree hugger(he has not seen the car yet but when I go over to his place I am planning on hugging his tree). Surprised no one at work has really given me crap. I work at a GMC/Buick/Kia car lot, would rather work at our Toyota lot but they didn't need any spots filled when I was hired. Don't care what anyone thinks, my car, my choice, and that is what matters!
I figured myself to be driving a hybrid, at some point...just never thought it would be a Prius (in my case, a 'c'). My previous vehicle was a Toyota RAV4 (I wanted room to haul stuff, but didn't want sucky gas mileage), so this go-around, I was hoping for a RAV4 hybrid, but instead, the RAV4 EV came out...not my 'cup of tea' since it was way beyond my price range. Also, even if a RAV4 hybrid were released, it too would probably have been beyond my price range as well, and would likely only get maybe 5 MPG better gas mileage over the regular RAV4. When it came time to decide, since I needed to turn in my RAV4 back to Toyota (it was leased), both the new Prius-c and Prius-v had been released...initially I was leaning toward the 'v', but figured it was also beyond my price range though it had some of the space I had in the RAV4. I initially wrote off the 'c' as being too small. The Prius 3g and PiP were never on my list since they too, were also beyond my price range. I then test drove a 'c'...since it was in my price range. I'm glad I did, since it pretty much dispelled most of the negative comments I had read or heard about the car...that it was a small, noisy, plasticky, slow car with an expensive drivetrain. Ok, yes, it is on the small side, but it feels big on the inside and with the seats down, I found I could haul around most of the stuff I carry anyway, and most days, I only carry a laptop roller bag in the back. I found the plastic interior no worse than the 2010 RAV4 I had. And, to my surprise, the noise level at highway speeds was less than in the RAV4...to me anyway. Acceleration off the line seemed about the same in both the RAV4 and the 'c', though I can tell the RAV4 had more power at highway speeds when passing. Overall, I'm glad I chose the Prius-c. I'm currently averaging 56 MPG over 11K+ miles...more than twice the MPG I was getting in the RAV4 (26.2 MPG) I had and filling up far less often
I drove VW diesels for years, but VW products are just too darn unreliable, so I started looking for something else. At first I wasn't going to go for a hybrid because I believed the bs on the TDI sites about them, but then I decided to do my own research on hybrids. I found out that the bs was exactly that, bs. I bought a Prius and the rest is history.